Saturday, September 5, 2020

【journal prompt】Your favorite affirmations.

I have a lot, to be honest. Ever since I got to discover LOA and the use of affirmations to reprogram my mind, I ended up thinking of a lot of affirmations fir myself. I've seen little progress, by far. Then again, I still have more negative thoughts than positive ones. So I guess I need to work hard on getting rid of that. Or if not completely, at least I should do my best to dissipate it a little.

Anyway, I'm only listing my top 5 of this. Here goes:
  1. I am an inspiration to others through my writings.
  2. I am a great author on the road to being world famous.
  3. I am writing to follow my bliss.
  4. I am worthy of love.
  5. I am committing to writing everyday with confidence and enthusiasm.
Yes, I know. A lot had to do with my writing journey. But I am a writer at heart, and it's a dream I couldn't let go at all, even if my parents don't exactly agree to the path I chose. I just have to actually commit to becoming the best writer/author I can become for the people to know.

🌸Florence Joyce🌸

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