Wednesday, July 26, 2017

First Sentai Fanfiction

Wow! I can't believe it's the third entry already. Well, I can't seem to find my drive to write the stories that needed my attention so I ended up writing this instead. I hate it when I suffer like this, especially those times I wanted to write every story I had in mind but my body won't even cooperate at all.

Or I have a feeling that it was just my excuse to escape, I think.

Anyway, there's a bit of a weird news. Thankfully, I got to  finish my first Kyuranger fanfic. And now it's posted on my Wattpad account. It's titled "Staying Silent" and it's a Lucky/Hami/Stinger fanfiction story, featuring two other Sentai characters--Kasumi from Ninninger and Agri from Goseiger. I know, it's a weird addition. I'm just glad it's over and finished. I had fun writing it, honestly speaking and now, I'm planning to write a reversed version of it. But this time, it will feature two different Sentai characters--both are from Go-onger.

Thanks to an online friend's suggestion, the two new featured Sentai characters from Go-onger were Kousaka Renn and Sutou Miu. I gave this reversed version the story title "How It's Suppose To Be". So if you're a Lucky/Hami fan and shipper, then this story is for you.

For now, I'm a bit pissed with my Wattpad app along with the slow internet connection. And I think that's what added to the reason of me having the hard time finding my writing muse.

So that's it for now.

Till the next entry... whenever that is.

NP: "Only For You" by Six Part Invention

Sunday, July 23, 2017

【personal thoughts】A July 20 Birthday Greeting For You!

Yes, I know this is quite late for a birthday greeting here on my blog. And it so happened that today is my father’s birthday, as well. But I’ll do a separate blog post for that later. So this is one of my ‘first things’ I’ve done in my life—greeting a celebrity here on my blog and even in social media. I wasn’t really that ‘sociable’ both in cyber and real world. But for my favorite female green ranger (which was the first, of course), I’m going to do this.


Sorry about the honorific that I have to add. But I hope you celebrated your birthday happily and with the people you cared about and with those who cares about you a lot. Thanks to Twitter and even my online friends in Instagram, I was able to see photos and message about how you celebrated your birthday. Don’t lose that smile, okay? You’re really beautiful when you do that. Live a happy life as you go along. And whatever choices you make along the way now that you turned 19, I hope you won’t regret it when time comes. I can see that a lot of people supports you in your endevour. Make sure you find a way to return the love and support that they’re showing you now.

A lot of things can still happen to do once you finally reach adulthood (or have you already reached it?). But if you keep up a happy, brave, and positive disposition in life, I think you’d be able to handle it.

Happy birthday, once again! Enjoy your life and the love you receive from everyone.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

【personal thoughts】Not Much Has Happened

I know I should’ve posted another entry last Sunday. And what day is today? It’s Wednesday. So that means I haven’t posted anything in 3 days and I’m really sorry for that. Besides the fact that I ran out of topics to talk about, I’m also suffering from itchy throat and runny nose for days now, which is extremely irritating. Can’t I just wish for it to go away? And I mean immediately. Urgh! I hate this.

Not much has happened during those days that I didn’t write any entries here. Trust me, that’s how boring my life could be most of the time. During the last entry, I did mention that I created a second Instagram account, right? Well, it’s already filled with 69 posts at the moment. Most of it are my photo edits I did featuring my Kyuranger OTP Stinger and Hami. Ever since I saw some of the edits created by the other IG users featuring that pair, it felt like I got a sudden burst of inspiration to write other stories with those two as my visuals. And of course, I also got inspired to do my own photo edits while still experimenting on how to use Snapseed which is a photo-editing app for Android. This was first suggested to me (and the other #daretoshareIGchallenge participants) along with a visual-planning and scheduling app for Instagram called Planoly. But I only let Snapseed remain in my phone. So here I am.

I’m not sure what will I post and when will I post the next Thoughts At Night entry here. I don’t want to say any particular date that I would end up not doing. That could really be a little disappointing and upsetting.

Until next time!

NP: “Megumi No Ame (Blessed Rain)” by Alan Dawa Dolma

Saturday, July 15, 2017

【personal thoughts】Explanation For Not Posting

Yes, I know. Today is a Saturday so I should be writing a Saturday Night Thoughts post. But then, I said to myself: “If I have posts here during Saturdays, I think I should also write journal posts on other days, as well.” Why not, right? Just to make things fair.

I know I haven’t posted anything here for, like, a week or so after that last post. I’m not going to give a crappy reason that things had gotten a little hectic, even though it’s the truth. I was preoccupied with so many thoughts lately that I ended up not doing the usual things. And because I got so caught up in those thoughts, I even decided to do some things that I don’t know if I should consider absurd or just… something I really want to do—I just didn’t know it.

Besides writing down this explanation, I can’t think of anymore sensible things to write here tonight. My throat hurts and I think I’m going down with a cold. God! This is what I hate about rainy days. And because of that, I haven’t written anything related to my stories and pending manuscripts. I’m so behind schedule and it’s irritating. So I got busy doing other things:

  • I created a second IG account which would feature my current fangirling moments (if I could really call that a real fangirling) which never happened before. Anyway, if you want to visit it, here’s my IG username: @dreamcoloredgift0830
  • Editing pictures using Snapseed. But honestly, I still prefer using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Listening to songs all day. *shrugs*

I should’ve added reading the ARC for “Bucket List of Love” by C.P. Santi, but I didn’t read any book today, sadly. So I didn’t place it. Tomorrow would be the 2nd entry, but as a Sunday Currently post. Okay?

NP: “Panunumpa (The Promise/The Oath)” by Carol Banawa (a Filipino wedding song)

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Lost In Translating... Or Not

I'm not quoting the movie title here, okay? Heck, I haven't even watched that movie (Lost In Translation) so I have no idea about the story of that film. What I'm talking about here are my stories. Yes, I've started translating two of them in English (finally!).

As some of you might have read on my previous posts, you'll know that I write--a lot. I started with personal journals and a few feature articles when I was in elementary. I was in Grade 6 at the time, if I remember it right. Or maybe even in Grade 5? When I reached first year high school (I'm talking about the previous Philippine educational system, so it's equivalent to first year middle school if you'll follow the educational system in other countries), I started writing poems and short skits (scripts usually used in role-plays). It continued until I reached third year (still equivalent to 3rd year middle school). By the second semester of that school year, I started writing prose. And I mean fiction--romance fiction.

Monday, July 3, 2017

【personal thoughts】A Simple Birthday Greeting For You

I don't know what to say as a birthday greeting to you. As I told in the first birthday greeting to one of your Kyuranger co-star Kishi Yosuke, this is the first time I've done such a thing. And I mean greeting an admired celebrities during their birthdays. But for some reason, I really want to do this. I don't know what kind of charm that you guys have for me to do all this for the first time in my life.

Backstory first:

Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Sunday Currently # 18

Honestly speaking, when was the last time I posted something like this? Man, I really need to remember that. I can't say that I miss writing a Sunday Currently post. But things are a little messed up for md right now, especially on how my life really had a slow progress over the months. There were changes, but they were not exactly the obvious ones.

But I'm still trying. At least, I know I'm willing to try some things that might give me the progress I need.

Okay, so this would be the third post I have for this day, July 2nd of the year 2017. There are reasons for that, though:

Happy Wattpad Anniversary, dreamcoloredgift!

Yes! It's one year already since this username was born. Wow! I can't how a year can pass by so quickly. I didn't even notice it. Haha! Just kidding. Of course, I noticed. But for some reason, I chose not to pay attention to it.

In any case, I've been writing poems and stories way before I discovered Wattpad and I started posting some of my stories there at around 2013-2014 (I guess). I can't remember the exact day but I remember the month. It was the month of May. And yet the feeling of suffocation at the atmosphere of the site that was supposed to give me inspiration to write more made me end up deleting that first Wattpad account I had. Looking back, I still think if I regretted deleting that account where I met a few online friends that I still got to interact with even today. And yet, the answer I came up with was--NO. I never regretted doing that.

From A Not-So-Vocal Recent Fan

Is this a weird post coming from me? For now, I don't want to say anything about the reason why I'm posting this for now. I just want to express my thoughts since I can't concentrate on what I'm writing.


That's the truth. I've been an admirer (not a fan) of many celebrities and idols of a few different races in Asia. In particular, I've been an admirer of some Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Taiwanese, and of course, Filipino celebrities. But this will be the first time I'm going to greet one of those celebrities a "Happy Birthday" here on my blog. So I'm not surprise if I'm actually nervous about doing this right now.