Thursday, October 3, 2024

024: more 3 star reads, even the unexpected one 😑😑

Good evening, guys! Yes, I know. I am seriously late once again about this obviously short blog post. I was about to sleep, to be honest, as my eyes were already drooping as soon as I finished washing the dishes. I guess that it was a given, considering the rampages of thoughts that I had in my mind lately after that certain issue with my second sister.

Anyway, back to the usual main topic of this blog. Then again, I think it won't be that bad to talk about other topics here once in a while besides my reading journey for the day, right?

Once again, I focused myself on reading several novellas in my digital library (a.k.a. my phone) the whole day. And trust me, I read quite a few of them. That is, if you woulf consider 8 as few. 😁😁 I enjoyed reading some of them, especially the first two short stories in Susan Hatler's "Treasured Dreams" series. I gave them both ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ratings as soon as I was done reading them. There were still 5 more in the series and maybe I'd be able to read them all tomorrow. As for the rest, I gave the usual ⭐⭐⭐ ratings. Yes, even the one from "Faraway" collection. Not that I would know Rainbow Rowell's writing style as this was the first time I read any of her works, to be honest. I was confused the whole time I was reading this novella, that's for sure. We'll see if the same pattern emerges in the other stories in the collection.

I still managed to continue reading other books, as well, aside from reading these novellas. But for the one I read today, I just continued reading "By The Grace Of The Gods" and I'm already on the 32% mark of th book when I was just on the 10% mark yesterday. That's a leap, if you ask me. And this has just made me realize one thing.

I don't think I could succeed in reading a book in one day that doesn't involve novellas in the line. Or maybe my mindset wasn't there just yet. I knew I was able to do that before. Possibly back in 2016 when I was reading a lot and also doing some book reviews here on my blog. The long reading slump must have put a block of some sort in my ability to do the same thing again. But perhaps slowly crawling my way out of it could help ㅡ and it will only happen by doing more reading. At least, that's what I realized.

Okay, I guess I wrote enough here for the day. I would have written more if I wasn't late in doing this, you know. But let's see if I can do that tomorrow. For now, I know I have to end this entry at some point.

See you tomorrow! Happy book reading! 😊✌️💕📚🤔

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