Friday, December 18, 2015

【poem】All I Did

All I did was to tear papers
instead of writing what I need to.
It seems productivity left me
and inspiration did the same.
So I ended up doing another thing.

All I did was to continue dreaming
of how will my love story happen one day.
I’ve never felt so unloved in my life
and I’m feeling hopeless
that I would even find the one
meant for me to love all my life.

All I did was to sleep
when my eyes felt so tired.
But scenes I think of
made me tear up.
I couldn’t keep them at bay
as I thought of reasons why
even in my imagination,
I still end up losing you.

This was all I did for the past week.
This was all I did as I think of you.
This was all I did and yet here I am,
still thinking if I could do so much more.

But before all that,
will I ever have a chance
to find you for once in my life?

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