Tuesday, December 29, 2015

【poem】For Now

I can't write again.
I can't find inspiration.
In short, I've been procrastinating again.

Should I just hit my head somewhere?
Maybe it'll help me despite the pain it'll bring.
But that thought only made me laugh
as I listen to two songs playing on repeat.

I can only do this for now
since I can't concentrate.
I can only let my mind do the work
as I imagine a love story
that perhaps I won't be able to write.

I can't tell for now
but I hope one day I'd be able to.
I want the world to know about it.
I want the world to read it.

If it would lead me to you,
my destined someone,
then it would definitely be
a wonderful dream come true.

But perhaps it won't happen
anytime soon.

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