Saturday, December 28, 2019

【personal thoughts】Contemplations Not Written On Journal # 3

I haven't written anything here in a while. But since I didn't write anything on my journal tonight, either, I might as well do it here. Nothing much has happened, though. I still have to deal with so many things. A few of them, namely:

❇️Cold weather
❇️Toothache (or better call it gumache)
❇️Fear of a lot of things

Weird, huh? But it's a good thing that I could be distracted from all of these by simple things. At this point, I ended up enjoying to watch reaction videos of a few foreign channels with regards to P-Pop boy group SB19. I have to admit, I came to love some of their songs. But I actually find it hilarious to watch other people react to this group. At least, they don't just settle to reacting entirely to K-Pop.

Right now, I'm dealing with runny nose and headache because of (obviously) a common colds that I have contracted already. I could only hope that it won't get worse when New Year arrives. I don't want to end up getting sick on that festive event.

By the way, a while back, I was thinking of rewriting the "Eight Thorned Blades" entirely. Like start everything from scratch. Literally. Of course, the original concept will remain. But instead of multiple POVs placed together, I'll possibly focus on one to two. It still depends. It will start with Kourin's (the surviving princess of the Shinomiya clan), then the other clan princesses will follow. I'm still debating on this one, to be honest. I have no idea on how will I implement this, or if I will actually do it.

Anyway, I'm still thinking about it. I also need to read more materials so I could actually continue the story. I could seriously feel that my writing juice is depleting at a steady rate. It's still alaraming for me, in case you don't know.

So I guess that's it for my rant that I couldn't write on my journal for now. I have to sleep already, in hopes of dissipating this headache that's been going on since this afternoon. I really don't want to rely on more medicine because of this.

In any case, good night.



Friday, December 20, 2019

【personal thoughts】Contemplations Not Written On Journal # 2

I couldn't think of anything to write on my journal tonight. So I'm doing it here. However, I have a feeling that I'm only going to do a short version of this.

I still have no idea what to write here, to be honest. It's already getting late and not to mention, I'm getting sleepy. Maybe the cold December weather triggers it. At the moment, I have no idea.

Well, today, I've written down the episode list of Detective Conan with the intention of rewatching it and maybe, write at least a short thought about each episodes. I kind of need to refresh my mind about the series before I actually need to continue writing the third book of the Prince of Tennis/Detective Conan crossover fanfiction series "Detective Tennis".

In any case, I still need the inspiration, so rewatching this was like a refresher for me. It's been a long while since I last watched this series anyway.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

【poem】Here's To The Blue

Here's to the blue moments you never saw
as you never witnessed my falling tears
the day you decided to walk away.

Here's to the blue color that was once my favorite
and enough to make me smile somehow,
even though it doesn't do the same thing anymore.

Here's to the blue pen that once inspired me.
The colored pen that was said to trigger inspiration
and could make me cry now as memories flooded me.

Here's to the blue ink that would always stain
my beloved notebook and even my shirt
and would forever remind me of how you are in my life.

Here's to the blue sky that starts a new day
as the sun shines bright on a brand new me
and I began stepping out to face a life without you.

Even though life and the color that you love
would never bring you back to me at all,
I will stand firm, in one way or another.

The love we once knew would give us a new life
where we don't have to be reminded of things
that once made us regretful and forever blue...

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

【poem】Some Thoughts

I know you'll never wonder
about the life I have to ponder.

Maybe you'll never care at all
about the time I took the fall.

So here are the words I wrote,
back when I still love your quotes.

Even though your words linger on
as soon as I'm done crying a ton.

I'll forget you and let it all go
no matter how much I'll miss you so.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Dream Journal # 3: Cracked Ceiling With Water Leaking From It

While waiting for my phone to finish charging, I decided to write this down before actually forgetting it again. I can't trust my mind to recall things anymore. And maybe because I couldn't trust a lot of things in my life that I ended up having a dream about a ceiling of the apartment where we live having a large crack. I mean, it wasn't just a small crack. It was a large crack where I could actually take a peek of the night sky in that dream.

That's one of the weird things in that dream. I could take a peek at night sky through that crack where water was leaking. And I don't mean a small amount of water pouring in. Faucet-like flow— that's how I'd describe it. I could tell that it was night time in that dream because through that crack, I could see the moon with few clouds around it. The real mystery to me was about the source of the leak and the water that flowed through that crack. But I never got to figure it out from there. All I know is that I tried to tell my family about it in that dream but it seemed like they just passed it off for some reason.

The dream I had was long. At least, I could tell that. But the only part of the dream that I remembered was that cracked ceiling. As for the rest, they all ended up blurry which made it hard for me to recall the actual topic and flow of the dream.

So going back to that "cracked ceiling with water leaking in dream" topic, I tried to look it up over the internet for possible interpretations. There was one on the website of 『My Dream Symbolism』that mentioned at least the symbolism that I needed based on the scenes I remembered from that dream.

It stated on one point that it was because the dreamer's head is full of so many thoughts and couldn't handle it all. Suppressing those thoughts became so hard that the dreamer (that's me, in this case) was starting to lose control over them. Another thing that the article stated was the place in the house that made an appearance in the dream. In my dream, the location of the crack and the leak was at the ceiling of the living room— and this room symbolizes the heart. It was this area in the house— at least in that dream— that states where the problem lies in the dreamer's life in reality.

After reading this article, I recalled the journal entry I wrote the night before. I was able to connect the meaning of my dream to that. I wrote many of my frustrations and disappointments on that journal the night before. I mean, it was a lot. Three pages of almost ranting thoughts, to be exact. Yes, all of it was about my frustrations and self-degrading moments that I couldn't even scream out or talk about to anyone. Not even to my family, as well, as they were the source of it.

So, yeah. That's some almost accurate symbolism of my dream, I must say. The article did say that I shouldn't be worried as it only meant that something positive would happen in my life and that I shouldn't think of the negative things which could hinder it.

Now that's a long entry, huh? I haven't written a dream journal in a long while, after all. And I really want to write this down and share it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

【personal thoughts】New Notebook, More Memories

It's been a long while since I posted anything here, huh? I'm sorry. I put most of my thoughts on my journal these past months, that's why. At some point, I post things on my Instagram and in a few cases, self-degrading thoughts on Twitter. But it's only because I didn't know where to turn to anymore. Writing down those thoughts did help as a way of releasing it from me, but it's still not enough. I guess I'm asking for something more. Right now, I still have no idea what it was.

Anyway, because I used my journal as my way of releasing those negative thoughts from my mind, I ended up nearly filling the entire journal with those words. There was a post in my Instagram where I mentioned that I also reached my 100th entry, which had never happened before. I've never written that many journal entries in my life until now. Yes, even when I had my diary back in high school.

With that, I bought two notebooks that I could use as my next journal.

They're really simple, right? I ought to let it be since I'm more concerned about the price than anything else. As you know, I'm unemployed and I only rely to what meager amount of allowance I get for me to use for the whole week. But then, I do have plans of covering the record book with something floral. Maybe I could find a sticker paper with such designs.

I do have one more blank notebook that I initially intended to use as a journal, but I decided against it after some thinking.

This is the one I was talking about here.

Until now, I have no idea what to write here. But I was actually thinking of writing sort of letters to my future "The One". I know it's cheesy and at some point, cringey. But hey, it's a part of me. I'm already 28 and I'm still living my life like a hermit. Maybe the words I wanted to write in this notebook could help me find a way.

One day, this will become a way for that to happen...

Monday, September 23, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019

Here's another one, this time combining two prompts that I missed.

Day 22: Two truths and a lie - Spoiler version → Which is which? I'll let the readers figure it out.
  1. Ralnor finally gaining the power of the Four Colored Flames that no one in his faction had ever achieved.
  2. Renna will end up unintentionally killing someone close to her because of her rage over the deaths of her family.
  3. Elyon inheriting one of the five mystical blades created by the ancient Power Casters who were now figures of worship in the Cloud Dimension.
Day 23: National Bisexuality Day - any
representation in your WIP? → Now this part, I'm still trying to figure it out since, as I mentioned, I haven't reached half of the story. But I guess we'll get there.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 17: Superlatives Day 3 - WIP's most likely to succeed

Elred and Lyra were both aiming to reach one thing—to end the curse that could kill them in an instant. When the others discovered this, they made it a part of their great mission to help these two in their quest. With that, and their desire to live longer than what the curse in their bodies had intended them to live, more or less, they'll find it really fulfilling if the goal they wanted to reach for a long time would be finally within their reach.

Monday, September 16, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 16: Superlatives Day 2 - WIP's most artistic.

Arasne, despite being an android, had proven herself to be such an artistic being. Even if most of her daydreams and thoughts spawned from her creator's unfulfilled dreams, she used it to conjure ideas after ideas that helped her and her Cloudbreaker teammates in their endeavours.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 15: Superlatives Day 1 - WIP's class clown.

Navarre wasn't the trickster of the recruited Cloudbreakers just for the heck of it. He would make everyone smile and laugh as best as he could, soon earning him their affection despite their differences. But at one point, someone from the team actually noticed that this powerful mechanical lifeform was trying his best to make everyone happy in order to hide the frustration he had been dealing with because of his own faction forbidding him to fully use his true powers as a Power Caster.

【personal thoughts】Contemplations Not Written On Journal # 1

So instead of writing an entry on my journal like the usual, I decided to do it here since my head is aching and I can't write anything at this point. Not to mention that I'm already sleepy and typing this down will be my last task for the night (or midnight since it's 12:02 AM here already).

Though I have to be honest, I have no idea what to type down here. I'm basically clueless since nothing much had happened today—at least if it's about my day. Or should I consider going out of the house and heading to town for the first time in a while as something different? Well, considering the weeks of rainfall even though it's September already, going out of the house after a while of not doing so is indeed something different.

At the moment, my head and my arm is aching while listening to a Japanese songs playlist. In particular, it's titled 『恵みの雨』 by Alan Dawa Dolma. And speaking of Japanese, I'm not sure if it's a good idea installing 4 language learning apps on my phone. But for some reason, I really want to up my game in learning the Japanese language. Well, let's see if it will pay off, as long as I keep practicing using these apps.

What else? Oh, I finally finished posting Alexis' story on Wattpad after a long while. I guess I also have to up my game in writing since I have a lot of pending ones. I know that it'll take a while for me to complete them all. But I'll do my best. At the moment, I'm thinking of which story between Hope From Love's Memories and Shrouded Flowers should I focus on writing next. And I mean I have to stick to that story until it's finished.


Anyway, I'll end this entry here for now since my head really aches and that means it's time for me to sleep. Good night...


잘 자요...

Saturday, September 14, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 14: Mid-month check in.

I'm still forming more scenarios that I post here in a form of photo edits between two characters. But it's just that. Scenarios. I haven't used any of the scenarios in the story the time I started writing this story on paper and haven't had a chance to post it online just yet. But I want to proceed pass through that and I'll do my best for that to happen. By the way, this photo edit would be added as one of the scenarios for the story, possibly about one of the battles that Miho and Hatsue would encounter in Cloud Dimension.

Friday, September 13, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 13: Friday the 13th! Does your MCs have any bad luck?

Yup, I know. I deliberately missed Day 12. But I have my reasons. For now, here's my Day 13 post and it's about bad luck. If I were to base it on Hatsue and Miho's expressions here, they still don't know if they have one, anyway. Sure, they had some miss on getting their own streak of luck from time to time, but there wasn't any worse ones. Both of them are positive people and it reflected on their beliefs and actions. And they both knew that having faith and hope can do its wonders to counter bad luck.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 10: Military in your WIP!

The closest we'll ever get for the Cloud Dimension's military force would be the 12 Cloudbreakers recruited and personally handpicked by Zelross in an attempt to finally end the dispute of all 12 Power Caster factions. Upon the arrival of Miho and Hatsue as the prophecied Daughters of Light, this team will be the dimension's final hope to achieve peace.

Monday, September 9, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 9: #MoodboardMonday!

My Monday was filled with nothing but rain—for real. It didn't even stop falling for a minute or so. They just kept on falling. Anyway, with that, I ended up thinking of scenes about rain involving Miho and Hatsue with their respective significant others that they inadvertently left on Earth because of them being chosen to save the Cloud Dimension.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 8: Favorite dark and mysterious characters?

I'm choosing two for this one, both of which had tried to kill Miho and Hatsue in several occasions. But both girls noticed something peculiar about these warriors that tried to kill them. Anyway, I'm choosing Arcail (Itou Asahi) and Yaron (Ozawa Ryota) as my favorites. The peculiarity that the Daughters of Light noticed about these two is actually one reason why they are my favorite mysterious characters. Not entirely dark, but the fact that they were after Miho and Hatsune was what made them dangerous in more ways than one. But each of them seemed to have been holding an item, each were representing something important from the past they've chosen to forget all this time.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 7: Character Q & A Day One

What are your initial thoughts upon realizing that you two were prophecied to become the savior of a world you never knew existing?

🦋HATSUE: My head is still spinning from all the information I received upon arriving to this... place. But knowing that I actually possess a power that they say could save this world, it makes me want to ask my parents about the truth behind it. From the start, I had this inkling that they were hiding something from me. And now, I think it has something to do with me being a so-called Daughter of Light.

🦋MIHO: I'm trying to think as rationally as I can. But every feeling I've had since arriving here only made me realize that this is real. Deadly real. And if Hatsue and I are not going to be careful, even if we're the ones they call "The Daughters of Light", then we'll end up losing our lives here before we could even do something to help the Power Casters liberate their world.

Friday, September 6, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 6: Last book that ripped your heart out.

Most of the books I've read recently were light-hearted or heart-stopping, to say the least. But not enough to make me feel as if my heart was ripped out. And by far, the only book that I remember doing this to me was the classic Nicholas Sparks novel—"A Walk To Remember". And with that, I had a feeling that I'd be incorporating a particular tear-jerker scene from this book to the story of Renna and her involvement with two skilled Power Casters Garion and Elorshin who knew about her deadly mission and her tragic fate.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 5: Insert yourself into your WIP. Where do you fit?

I could see myself in the story of DCG as a wanderer, a traveler in the Cloud Dimension proficient in archery. And this wanderer will remain nameless throughout the story. But even so, she will have an influence to the prophecied girls' choices with regards to their destiny as the savior of the Power Casters to end the war.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 4: (National Wildlife Day) Wild things in your WIP.

I'm late for Day 4 but I'm still posting this. The creatures in the Cloud Dimension are pretty much the same as that on Earth, with a few differences, of course. The notable ones were:

⚜️DRAGON - one of the rarest creatures found in the Dimension together with phoenixes. This creature was most commonly associated with the last Purple Sound Caster, the dragon-like Zelross.
⚜️ARMORED BEAR - only a few of this creature remained loyal to serving the Power Casters truly dedicated to their duties. One of those few had sworn allegiance to one of the deadliest Power Casters, Renna.
⚜️GRIFFIN - Most of them lived in the mountains, in which one was the place where Elyon trained his swordsmanship skills. During his training, he was able to befriend some of them and one even decided to serve Elyon in his battles.
⚜️PEGASUS - One of possibly the gentlest creatures of the wild that stayed out of everyone's sight for a long time. But once someone proved his/her worth to be its companion, its loyalty will remain to that person in its lifetime. By far, only the aphonic Power Caster Neia was able to do so after her brother's murder.
⚜️WOLF - Commonly called the creatures of the moon, this designation was one of the reasons why they follow orders and requests from Power Casters given the power to manipulate one of the mystical powers of this dimension. And being a wolf-man, Goren was able to do so easily.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 3: MCs' favorite book/story

Though Japanese, both Hatsue and Miho aren't that ignorant in some of the international books/novels published in their times. In particular, Hatsue has a penchant for angel/demon-themed stories. Her favorite would have been "The Mortal Instruments" series. As for Miho, her interest in History subject has influenced her choices of novels to read. Thus, her favorite would have been "The Great Library" series.

Monday, September 2, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 2: (Back to school) MCs' favorite subject

In "Dimensional Cloud Guardians", I originally wanted to write the story from multiple POVs if I were to base it on the scenarios I posted here. That is, until I decided to add two characters from another world—specifically, the mortal world where these girls reside. So to cut the story short, the story will only be told in Miho and Hatsue's POVs. Still thinking if I should do it in 1st or 3rd person POV.

Anyway, Miho Takahata had always been fascinated in History while Hatsue Funai wouldn't mind having longer classes when it comes to Literature. Not knowing that their fascination in these subjects would provide help for their journey when they ended up in Cloud Dimension all of a sudden.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 1: Goals for the month?

Drafting the plot for DCG is something I've been doing for about a year and a half already. So with this challenge, I want to actually start writing this and get done with at least half of the story just before the month ends.

This collage is something I wanted to show about the characters that will appear on the first chapter of the story. Two were human girls prophecied to change the fate of a world in a brink of another devastating war and the other two were beings called the Power Casters residing in a realm called the Cloud Dimension.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

【about writing】Miho and Hatsue

Instead of four, I decided to make it just two girls to appear in "Dimensional Cloud Guardians". But even though these two are considered Earthlings, both have a connection to the Cloud Dimension and according to Zelross, their powers could possibly be the key to save the Power Casters' dimension.
  • Okuyama Kazusa as the White Light Caster from Japan, Miho Takahata
  • Osaki lchika as the Pink Light Caster from Japan, Hatsue Funai
Both characters were unrelated to each other, but their powers held the answer to the longtime puzzle about the prophecy of "two lights" related to a gruesome massacre that happened several thousand years ago.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

【about writing】"Dimensional Cloud Guardians" Main 12

Since I've posted scenarios related to the upcoming story "Dimensional Cloud Guardians", I might as well post this one. These are the main twelve characters to appear, by the way.

⚜️Kizu Takumi as the Red Fire Caster Ralnor
⚜️Kishi Yosuke as the White Fire Caster Cyran
⚜️Blue Water Caster Goren
⚜️Gold Dust Caster Navarre
⚜️White Sound Caster Horith
⚜️Yamazaki Taiki as the White Dust Caster Arun
⚜️Okubo Sakurako as the Green Wind Caster Lyra
⚜️White Thunder Caster Arasne
⚜️Sakakibara Tetsuji as the Yellow Thunder Caster Darfin
⚜️Purple Sound Caster Zelross
⚜️Taguchi Shota as the White Ice Caster Ruven
⚜️Minami Keisuke as the White Wind Caster Corym

What do you think? Yes, I based my visual inspirations on Kyuranger. Originally, I did plan to use their names there in this story. But recently, I've been deciding against it so I ended up doing this. 😄😄

Sunday, July 28, 2019

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently # 27

Yoohoo! Here I am, writing something like this again. Anyway, at least I have something to write. I'd feel bad if I miss writing a Sunday Currently entry again. Since I've written on my journal quite early, I think I should do the same thing here, as well.

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

【personal thoughts】15 Weird Facts About Me

1. Hilig kong takpan ang kahit na anong sinusulat ko ng kamay ko. Alam mo 'yong feeling na may mangongopya ng sagot mo kapag may quiz o test at ginagamit mo ang kamay mo para takpan ang mga sagot mo? Ganoon. Minsan na ring nasabi ng Mama ko na weird nga iyon. 😂😂

2. Gusto kong natutulog ng nakatagilid lang at fetal position pa kahit na ano pa ang panahon.

3. Super Sentai fan since 2012. Starting to become a Kamen Rider fan since 2018. Ito ang rason kung bakit hindi ako nahihilig sa mga K-Drama kasi mas gusto ko pang panoorin ang mga ito.

4. Because of Fact # 3 kaya mas marami akong crush na Japanese celebrities kaysa Korean. Probably one other reason kung bakit mas madalas sa hindi, feeling ko isolated ako sa FB. Hehe!

5. Gusto kong pinagsusulatan ng mga story drafts ko ang mga scrap papers (hand-outs, books na x-in-erox lang at hindi na gagamitin, natirang notebook pages na hindi nasulatan) and cutting it to a designated writable size.

6. Mas gusto kong maglakad mula bahay hanggang town kahit may jeep namang puwedeng sakyan. Eh 35-45 minutes ding lakaran iyon compared to 10-15 minutes kapag sumakay ng jeep.

7. Hanggang ngayon, may mga pagkakataon na napapaiyak pa rin ako sa kantang "How Can I Not Love You?" Hindi ko pa rin alam kung bakit.

8. Anim na lengguwahe ng mga kanta ang nasa SD card ko. Filipino, English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, at Thai. Karamihan, ballad at old songs dahil iyon ang mas gusto kong pakinggan, sa totoo lang.

9. I'm a reader, but not a voracious one. Pero kapag may nagustuhan talaga ako, uulit-ulitin ko ng basa iyon. Walang sawa, kahit malapit na yatang mabura ang mga nakasulat doon. 😂😂

10. Mabigat ang kamay ko kahit pabiro. Kaya sorry sa mga nasasapak ko noon kahit pabiro o kung nagkakatuwaan na at nahahampas ko nang 'di ko namamalayan.

11. Hindi ako marunong lumangoy pero gusto ko talagang magbabad sa dagat.

12. 2018 lang akong nahilig na mag-selfie dahil noon, talagang masasabi kong once in a blue moon lang akong mag-picture sa sarili ko.

13. Wala pa akong nakikitang multo sa tanang buhay ko, samantalang ang mga kasama ko sa bahay, may mga nakita na. Marami na nga, eh. At hindi ko na pinangarap na makakita ng kahit na isa. 😂😂

14. NBSB — certified 'yan hanggang ngayon na 27 na ako. Teka, weird bang maikokonsidera iyon?

15. Hindi ako mahilig magbasa ng erotic stories sa edad kong ito. Dadalawa pa nga lang ang naisusulat ko na may BS, eh. I tried reading Crossfire series by Sylvia Day. Natapos ko naman, kahit papaano. But after that, hindi na nasundan. Hehe! Balik adventure, historical fiction at fantasy ang mga genres na binasa ko pagkatapos n'on.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently # 26

I know. I haven't written any Sunday Currently entry last Sunday only because I wasn't feeling like it. Not that I hate it or anything. Anyway, I haven't written on my journal on that day, either. So I think that's enough for a compensation—at least for me.

A lot of surprises appeared to be about some of my former high school classmates—with some having a baby and others had just got married. And believe me, I was struck with envy (just slightly)—again. But I'd rather not dwell on that right now.

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Monday, July 8, 2019

Book Comment: The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories # 1)

In all honestly, I've finished reading this about two years ago. What I'm doing right now is just rereading it only because I want to recall how the story went. I wasn't much of a fan in reading detective stories even though I love watching TV series and movies about them. But my mom would mention at times that she loved reading Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys stories. When I found a site where I could read them, I decided to give it a try.

The same thing happened when I started reading stories of Nancy Drew, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl detective to that of reading "A Walk To Remember". The former took place in the 60s (since I've read the later version of the books in spite of the original written in the 30s) while the later was in the 50s. I've envisioned them in my head as if they occured at least sometime in the late 80s to early 90s. I know. It does seem weird but it doesn't affect the way the story was told to me. Envisioning it as something contemporary was probably the best, anyway. At least for me.

There are dangers involved in solving cases but what I like about Nancy Drew from this book was the fact that she always go to where her curiosity leads her, especially if it was about the case that truly took her interest. The dangers were scary to deal with all the time, but she never let the fear got the best of her. Her optimism and intuition about the case that she wanted to shed light upon was both amazing and worrying. I couldn't held fearing for her life because of this even though her character was just fictional. But in the end, it gave her the thrill of an adventure that I know her detective heart was looking for.

Another thing I love about this is about the last part of the story, in which Nancy would wonder if she would encounter another case as thrilling as the last one she solved, only for the narrator of the story to actually give the title of the next story on one of the last few paragraphs as something similar to foreshadowing about what will happen next.

Till the next book comment, I guess. 😁✌️😁✌️

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Sunday Currently # 25

So I was just done using a facial beauty mask for the first time (yes, first timer user here) and my face is kind of cool right now. 😂😂 Sorry, but I think that was a weird way to start this blog entry. But that's the first thing that entered my mind as soon as I started typing here. It was an experience for me since I wasn't that much concerned about beauty and the things that most women in my age do to appear beautiful and young. At least, I wasn't that concerned until the start of this year.

And believe me, that was a big deal to my family. I won't wonder, as well, that almost everyone—myself included—would view me as a wallflower.

Okay, I won't start with this topic again so I'd better start writing this entry properly since it's Sunday night.

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

【personal thoughts】Happy Birthday, 岸洋佑!

I should be writing this before the day ends... again. I mean, this is about what could possibly be the only Sentai actor who I recall his birthday. For real. Ah, wait. I should also add about Minami Keisuke's birthday tomorrow. But that's another issue.

For this point, it's about Kishi Yosuke and my birthday greeting post for his special day.

The only thing I could say, I hope you had spent your special day meaningfully—whether alone or with the people you care about and those that cares about you, as well. I hope you don't lose your passion to both music and acting as more years would pass by in your life. A lot of things could still happen that will test you and your determination to reach more of your dreams. But I hope you won't let that deter you or anything.

Do your best to become a better person than you were the year before you turned 26 today. Let every day become an inspiration for you to raise yourself as the best person you can be. I hope you also have more acting projects to come as I want to see more of you acting on screen.

Happy birthday to you once again, 岸洋佑さん! 🤗🎁🎊🎉🎈🎂

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Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Sunday Currently # 24

So I'm writing this at quarter to midnight and I just realized that my last Sunday Currently entry was a year ago—specifically, June 17. Yup, it's been that long and I don't really have any excuse for that.

Anyway, here I go.

Since I had been writing on my journal since June 14 (?) of this year, I thought that I should be dedicated in posting here, as well. I'll try, but to be honest, I'm still unsure if I could do it.

In any case, let's start.

So this Sunday, I'm currently...

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Book Comment: "Hidden City Series # 1: Lost In The Shadows" by Kyra Wheatley

In any case, I am finally done reading this book after weeks of doing so bits by bits since I got busy with other things. And to think I decided to actually for this book after playing the game version of this story. I've always like playing hidden objects games similar to Hidden City. But more so about hidden object games with a storyline. Though the book version and the game version had MCs with different backgrounds about how they got into the City, the places and possibly the items indicated are the same.

From the time I discovered that there is a book version of the game, I really had the urge to complete it and read it. Unfortunately, I only got two out of five books in this series. In any case, I guess I'll be able to find a way to have the other books.

So in this book, the MC named Nicole was able to go to the City (rather by force) with what appears to have something to do with her missing grandmother's necklace and several visions that she couldn't fathom the origin at the time.

Regardless of the character names and other changes, I still find this book fascinating as I was able to see—at least in my head—what it's like to have an adventure in the mysterious City. From the shadows, the places, and the items that appeared in both the game and the book, everything really made me feel as if I was transported there like Nicole.

The first book was short (if you only consider the number of chapters) since this only have 8 chapters, but each chapters were long. Almost like a 254 pages novel. Or maybe that's just what I think, though. But this book definitely left me in a major cliffhanger. For real. The kind that makes you want to read the next book already to know what happens next. But then again, I have to focus first on my other currently reading book list.

Anyway, this is my short review—if you can actually call this a proper review. Hopefully, I could finally read the next book soon.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

【personal thoughts】My Final College School Article

Before I graduated in college, I wrote this small article about our field trip last February 16-17, 2015. This was the second article I wrote for our school newspaper that time. Sadly, I never got my own copy so I have no idea what the final output of the article in the newspaper looked like. I would’ve taken a picture. I also haven’t been able to take pictures of the aforementioned places concerning the two groups. So most of what I’ve mentioned here was from my own experience and a few verbal accounts from the students of the other departments who also went to the field trip.

All in all, even though it was just a short trip, it was fulfilling for me since I don’t get to go out of the town that much. I really wish I could still find some time to travel even just here in the Philippines. I’d do my best to ignore the scorching heat if I would really be given another chance to travel outside Baguio.

Anyway, this wasn’t an article written by a professional so I’m sure you’d find mistakes, especially in the structure of the article. Even still, I hope you’d enjoy reading this one! You can probably think of this as just a blog entry rather than an article for a school newspaper. I think that’s for the best.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

【personal thoughts】To Feel Sad Before Smiling

I really don't know what to say about this day. I mean, I was just looking at my Twitter feeds this morning and I was surprised and felt sad when I learned that Pua Magasiva whom I've only known as Shane in Power Rangers Ninja Storm (possibly the first PR series I've watched) was found dead. I'm not that active and vocal in expressing my interest in PR compared to Super Sentai. But that doesn't mean I'm not familiar with some of the actors in the franchise. One that I'm quite familiar with was Pua.

It's really sad to know that he's gone, just like that. I still couldn't believe it. I would've accepted that if he died of old age or something. But there seemed to be no further explanation as to how he died. He was found dead in Wellington. The other articles I read doesn't seem to further explain things with regards to that. And that's what frustrated me until now.

On another note, there was something in Twitter that made me smile and also scold myself because I forgot about it. What was it?

It's Seiya Inagaki's birthday.

This is the tweet I've seen that reminded me of that. In case I haven't mentioned anything here yet, Seiya Inagaki is actually one of my Japanese celebrity crushes despite not having so little filmography since he's more active in doing stage plays.

I might write a separate blog entry to express my birthday greeting to him, even though I know he would never be able to read it.

So now, I guess you know that phrase as my blog title. 😁✌️😁✌️

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dream Journal # 2: Weird Things In This Dream

This are the only things that I can remember from my dream just this morning. I knew it was a morning dream because I woke up at around 7 and I heard my sister contemplating on whether or not she would head to work despite feeling sick.

One thing I was sure of, there were four weird things that had happened in my dreams. But when I woke up, I could only remember two of them. If I was right, it was Weird Thing #3 and #4 that I can only remember upon waking up.

So here goes:

  • WEIRD THING IN DREAM #3: The large statue that moved and walked. I have no idea as to who could that statue was based on. But I think I would describe it to be something similar to the one in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Yes, it's that big. The only difference was it seemed to be cradling something on his chest. And it was erected near the house that my family were living in (at least in that dream but I know they were nothing similar in real life). So yeah, in the dream, that statue suddenly moved — though slowly and most likely graceful, as well — and walked away from the place where it was erected. I saw my mom was shocked as well when she saw that. But I brushed it off not long after, though at some point, I could feel my heart beating fast.
    This is the closest possible image that I could get about the position of the statue I saw in my dream. One other thing is that it was colored purple and silver.
  • WEIRD THING IN DREAM #4: Tsunami that even reached the area. I consider this weird because I could still feel that in that dream, we were still in Baguio. And most of you must have known that Baguio is a city up north which is a part of the mountaneous Cordillera region. So how could a tsunami reach the area where we were at the time? Because let's be honest here. If that kind of wave could truly reach us up here, then those in the lowlands must have been sunk completely beneath a series of tsunami. And that's truly scary, if you would ask me.
    I couldn’t find any sketches or pictures depicting tsunami reaching the mountain areas. So again, this is the closest that I could get.
So there. That's the only part of my dream that I can remember. I really don't know what that means, but I just want to put it here for now.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Episode Comment: Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger Episode 1 - Que Boom! Ryusoulger

This one took a while. Sorry. And to think it's been three days already since the pilot episode started airing in Japan. Well, I have to wait for the subbed version and trust me, this episode was even more emotional for me as soon as I was done watching it with subtitles.

I have to say that it's a really good start for me. I was amazed in all of it. It's been a while since I got this hyped up for a new Sentai series. But then, this start was also something emotional because of what happened to the new Ryusoulgers' first battle with the Druidons. Should I spoil? Well, it involved their masters as they all deal with the threat coming from the Druidon. The great powers they revived and possessed came with a price. The Ryusoulgers had to deal with it, the pain and the rage of losing people important to them right in front of them.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Episode Comment: Super Sentai Strongest Battle Episode 4 (Finale) - And Towards Tomorrow!

Yup. Definitely a long overdue review for this one. And to think Ryusoulger already started airing today in Japan. I was still debating on whether or not I would post it on my Instagram. Then again, I was never the one to come up with a firm decision when it comes to these things.

I would say this was action-packed for a finale of a mini-series. And it made me wish they could've lengthened this one. But I'm just wishing for something weird here.

The Team Weirdo really had it hard here. But at least they finally got together after dealing with each other's differences. Not to mention, they finally discovered what really happened to Planet Nemesis before Rita used it as a site to revive Ultimate Great Satan. Honestly, even though I read on an article that it was an enemy formerly from Zyuranger, I had no idea who that was. Probably because I haven't watched that particular series yet. In this part, I wasn't sure what to say about Rita's reason for doing all the trouble to host a competition like this in order to retrieve the power of the gem for herself and her desire to erase justice in the universe. In this part, as well, I have to say that Stinger's way of thinking truly evolved.

They finally found Luka and let her deal with whatever creature was keeping the barrier around the planet in check (at least to Rita's benefit). When the final battle started, I couldn't help smiling that each of the members of Team Weirdo used their power-ups to deal with Satan. Though I have to say, this was the first time I saw Marvelous use a power-up other than the Ranger Keys. He used Ikari Gai's power-up on this particular episode that he never did in the actual Gokaiger series. I know that the other four got their respective power-ups as they journey into defeating their respective enemies in their own series. Yamato/Zyuoh Eagle was able to use all three "Beast Unleashed" power-ups which, I think, had first appeared in Zyuohger's final battle with Genis. Takaharu/Akaninger got his Transcendental Mode when they finally convinced Lion Ha-Oh to join the Ninningers into fighting the Kibaoni Clan. Stinger/Sasori Orange received his Ikkakuju Arm during the Episode of Stinger movie which has a tragic backstory to it. Kagura/ToQ #5 use the Hyper Ressha Mode as all five ToQger could do so.

Anyway, dealing with a giant entity with just their power-ups didn't seem to be enough. But Luka finally finished her task into destroying the source of the barrier, which finally allowed the Gokai Galleon to do a greater damage to Satan. The one that ended it was, of course, Team Weirdo's version of the first Sentai's finisher. I like the last part of it when the five of them threw energy blades towards the ball similar to Gokaiger's Final Wave attack that ultimately destroyed Satan.

After that, they had to deal with Rita who then donned Gaisorg's armor. At this point, I questioned the part when Luka mentioned that the armor contained the will of those that belonged to a race of warriors somewhere in the universe that disappeared. But it was the Ryusoulger brothers Green and Black who defeated her, throwing off the helmet someplace else in which the others didn't notice.

This episode answered one other question for me — which was about Master Red with regards to the blank Ryusoul in that cave. When the blank Ryusoul transformed followed by his words "I finally got one for him", I realized that at this point of the series, the Masters (including Blue and Pink) were just getting ready to finally appoint Kou, Melt, and Asuna to become Ryusoulgers. Master Red's last piece that he needed to complete the preparation was his protegé's Red Ryusoul and so he came looking for the blank Ryusoul in that cave.

I really like this team. That's all I have to say after watching the finale. I hope the actors of this team could work again in other future projects, probably a movie or just a mini-series. And soon, I thought of one thing. This is perhaps the closer thing we could ever get for a Kyuranger vs. Zyuohger crossover, with Stinger and Yamato being in Team Weirdo and these two dealing with Rita.

That's quite long for an episode comment, huh? Maybe on the next update, I'll try writing about Ryusoulger's first episode. Till next time!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

【Episode Comment】 4 Week Continuous Special Super Sentai Strongest Battle!! Episode 2: The Secretive Armor of Mystery

This is a bit overdue since I had to do something else, so sorry. As for my comment for this episode, some were already expected to happen. Others were surprising, but a lot brought smile to my face. Speculations and more questions were brought up after unmasking Gaisorg but surely, there is an explanation since they wouldn't promote a five-member team if one of them turned out to be the one causing a great deal of trouble, right?

So, yeah. That was a bit of a shock for me near the end when they actually did that to Takaharu. In any case, I like the interaction between him and Marvelous who still like acting all prideful that way. And with Kagura listening to all of it, as well. They were still a team that liked to work on their own -- or at least at the moment, it appeared that way. Stinger had his reasons for doing that, I can tell. He wasn't the current Commander of the Rebellion if he was just acting that way only because he wanted to. I'd like to see his real reason in the next episode.

Yamato... just do your best in maintaining your cool and trying to connect everyone in your team, okay? I know they were all odd in their own rights, hence the name of your team. Hehe! That was a joke. But Yamato was surely doing his best in that team, huh? Kagura would be the second in that department. The other three had their own level of hardheadedness that could be a hindrance in uniting the team in figuring out what was really going on with that heck of a game in that place. But I'm sure they'd be able to figure out a way.


Anyway, I'm not sure if my episode comment right here actually made any sense. But I'll do my best in writing an episode comment on the next episode until this mini-series is over. Okay? Till next time!

【personal thoughts】Forget Or Continue?

Forget everything and start anew?

Or continue where it was left of?

Yup. Those are my questions at the moment while reading those pending stories I have after finding them again. In particular, I was talking about my supposed first original fantasy story titled Rainbow Knights.

It was a fantasy story inspired by various mahou shoujo animes like Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, Precure, and Magic Knight Rayearth. Another inspiration was the English-translated Italian comic titled W.I.T.C.H. and the Italian cartoon Winx in which I watched both the English and Tagalog dubbed versions.

But if I have to add another story to my blog entry's title, it's my first action English-Filipino story titled The Last Sky of the Earth. I started writing it around late 2014 and posted it on my first Wattpad account in November 15, 2014. Yes, I have a date on that story because it's one of my favorites of the stories I've ever written in my life. I couldn't do anything to continue writing it for quite some time now and it saddens me.

So what am I suppose to do now?

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Book Comment: "Flipping The Script" by Danica Mae P. Sison

Genre: Romance, Young Adult
Release Date: February 15, 2019
Book Cover Info:
Cover Models: Liane Palomo, Boo Gabunada
Cover Designed by: Tara Frejas
Flicker Design Identity: Clarissa Ines
Photographed by: Chi Yu Rodriguez
Makeup by: Carla De Guzman
Styling by: Alex Lapa


Miri dela Merced’s film director grandfather and Pabs Paglinauan’s studio head grandmother had a huge falling out that ended Lolo Ikong’s career. At seventeen, Miri finds herself in the same summer film internship program as the down-to-earth film studio heir Pabs, whom she’s decided to automatically write off, just because of his lineage. As Miri gets a crash course in her expectations vs the reality of what it's like to work on a real movie, her true feelings for Pabs become harder and harder to ignore. In between attending outdoor screenings of classic Pinoy movies and battling monster production assistants together, can flipping the script on a decades-old grudge be only a few sequences away?

For PH print edition:
For International readers:
For International readers:
For International readers:
For the Kindle edition: 
Goodreads Link:

Short Excerpt:

So now what? Are we a thing? Do I want us to be a thing? Would it be so wrong if I say that I do? What do I do with these feelings, exactly? 

It was definitely more simple when we weren’t friends. It was easier hating Pabs, but I must admit that falling for him is a lot more interesting.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Episode Comment: Star✩Twinkle Precure Episode 2 - A Friend From Space ☆ Cure Milky is Born!

I had to post this first before continuing to watch the 3rd episode. So this episode is about the start of the aliens' stay on Earth. But more importantly, it was focused on Lala on her journey to becoming the 2nd awakened Precure, Cure Milky. If I had to comment on her alter-ego's name, it sounded delicious. 😊😊

Lala's desire to become a Precure herself stemmed from the time she saw Hikaru changed to Cure Star for the first time. She wanted to be a Precure, but having a computer analyze the probability for that to happen had only made her sad and disappointed since it pointed out that Lala has a slim chance of becoming a Precure like Cure Star. Computers, especially those with AI built in them, can be really smart. But then, as this episode implies, there are miracles in which even technology couldn't predict. Yes, there are also miracles that only happen once.

But sometimes, determination and passion can surpass that. Lala proved that as she said that it was her turn to have received the miracle — just as how Hikaru received her miracle when she became Cure Star.

The last part of the episode got me curious, though. It's like Hikaru's Star Color Pendant acted as a compass or detector of some sort since it glowed. It could be about the Zodiac Princesses' scattered powers, right? By the way, I saw a pic of the Zodiac Princesses on animelover_569's IG feed and I have to say, they all looked beautiful.

Anyway, I'll end this comment here for now. Till next time!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Episode Comment: Super Sentai Strongest Battle Episode 1: Who Is the Strongest in History!?

I know this is Sentai-related, but I still decided to post this here only because it's a personal comment on this show. Trust me, I don't think the hype for this 4-week show is going to subside anytime soon... as long as the story plot won't mess it. That's what I think. By the way, thanks to Over-Time for subbing this episode.

The episode started off as intense because of the mysterious warrior Gaisorg attacking the Gokaiger. Stating that he seek only the strongest in the universe before leaving the defeated team, Marvelous soon received a gold plate before getting transported to a place called Planet Nemesis by a girl named Rita. (Okay, I think I'm doing some sort of recap here instead of writing down my actual comments.)

Anyway, the game was announced and soon split everyone invited into 32 teams of five. One of those teams consisted of three Earthlings (Yamato, Takaharu, and Kagura) and two aliens (Marvelous and Stinger). I still don't know why they were called the Weird Team (sometimes the Oddball Team by others). Then again, after watching their interaction with each other, I guess I could see thd reason for such name to be given to their team. Marvelous is obviously on the edge because of Gaisorg, which is why he wasn't communicating much with his teammates even with Yamato acting as a mediator. Takaharu was playing it cool. Kagura was scared at most point but the others' presence calmed her somehow. The ones seemingly having a hard time getting along—enough to have them get pitted against each other—were Stinger and Marvelous.

But they each had their reasons and their personalities were almost similar to the point that they acted like magnets in which same poles repel each other. At least, that's how I think it is. We're still in the first episode, though. There are three episodes more to come. So I know they will get along at some point. By the way, the returning characters Eiji and Sousuke seemed to get along well... somehow. Their personalities were different, obviously but they got teamed up (as part of Team Vehicle) and ended up fighting Takaharu and Stinger. I like seeing those two again.
I forgot to add about the appearance of two of the Ryusoulgers — the siblings Ryusoul Green and Ryusoul Black who both appeared to have arrived late (at least that's what I think). But I have a question. What's with the cave with the emblem of the Ryusoulger carved to it? Green was holding a gold plate so it's still related to the battle. But why they weren't taken straight to Nemesis Palace like the other Super Sentai members?

Another question I have right now is about Luka. What happened to her and where is she when the team was attacked? Marvelous did notice that Gaisorg used one of her moves against him to take him down. So was it possible that Gaisorg had something to do with it?

Anyway, I think I'll stop right here for now. Till the next episode, I hope. 😄😄

Saturday, February 16, 2019

【Episode Comment】Star✩Twinkle Precure Episode 1: Glitterific~☆ Shining In Space, Cure Star Is Born!

For the first time, I'm going to watch a Precure series. Yes, I'm back to watching magical girl animes again after a long, long time. And yes, I know. It's been a while since I last posted an episode comment of any of the shows I've watched. Trust me, I have a lot of episode comments to post. It's just that... laziness struck me a lot of time.

Sorry. 😄✌️😄✌️

So this anime is a sort-of space-themed Precure since it involves space combats and aliens. Yes, which is new for a magical girl-themed anime, if you would ask me. At least I observed that on the battle part between the first batch of Notraiders and Cure Star. Of course, magical powers are still involved for that feat to happen. There's no surprise there.

I first noticed in the episode that Fuwa looked a lot like Chiffon from Fresh Precure, though. Definitely cute and huggable. But there are differences, too. Especially in terms of powers, I guess. Or maybe a mix of Chiffon and Candy (from Smile Precure) in terms of appearance. At least, I think of it that way.

I just had one question, though. Was this the first time a girl was singing while transforming into her Precure alter-ego? To be honest, I found that weird when I watched it even though I like the message the short song implied. If I were to compare it to Sentai, Star✩Twinkle is like a mix of Kyuranger (space-themed) and ToQger (based on the power of Imagination).

Then again, maybe that's just me thinking of it that way.

Till the next episode comment... though I'm not sure which show. 😄😄

Saturday, January 26, 2019

【personal thoughts】Day 26 of 365, 2019

 It's 11:42 in the evening. I'm suppose to finish something but here I am, writing nonsense things again. Wait, should I really consider journal writing as something nonsense?

Forgive me. I really don't know what I'm saying right now. It's a good thing I didn't miss taking my vitamins today after forgetting to do so for two days straight for some reason.

I finally got to start writing again. Finally, I was able to continue that Stinger/Hammie fanfiction that was put on hold for more than a year, believe it or not.

Yes, a year. My last update of that story was around July of the year 2017. I can't remember the reason why I decided to put it on hold, though. Probably because it's been that long. I could only apologize for not taking my writing quite serious even though I kept on saying that it will always be a part of me whatever happens.

What else? Oh, right. I suddenly came up with a decision of watching Hallmark movies for some reason (again).

For now, I'll watch those that were posted on Youtube as they were easily accessible somehow ㅡ at least most of it. I might post comments about those movies here on my blog once I'm done watching them.

And I think I'm having a crush on another Japanese celebrity. Not that it's surprising since I have a list of my celebrity crushes featuring a lot of Japanese actors. But this time, I'm having a crush on another Kamen Rider actor. Not only that, this actor is also a secondary Rider.

The actor's name is Akaso Eiji who played Banjou Ryuuga/Kamen Rider Cross-Z in Kamen Rider Build.

Normally, I would only have crushes on selected Sentai actors. So this one turned out to be a little different for me.

Anyway, for now, I'll end this entry here. Till next time!