Monday, July 11, 2022

【personal thoughts】My Camp NaNoWriMo 2022 Update (Week 1-ish)

 It's July 11 now that I'm typing this here. And yes, I've passed my supposedly post date for this blog. But here I am. Still doing it. Let's just say I just want to post something up-to-date here somehow. I'm not going to mention what this writing project is all about at this point. But I'll let you know once I reached my minimum word count goal.

The picture above is my latest update from yesterday (July 10) and yes, I know I still have lots of words to write for me to reach my word count goal for this month. This is actually my official participation in NaNoWriMo, even though this profile was made back in 2018. Weird, huh? I guess you could say that I still have no idea what to do at the time. I still have no idea what to do even now, but I'm learning along the way. I'm taking baby steps if you want to put it that way.

So as you can see, I've also earned quite a few writing badges here which I'm happy about. But that means, for me to reach my 30,000-word count goal for this month, I have to write almost 1,500 words every day. And with people around the house constantly calling me to do this and that (I'm sure you know what I mean), along with a few other writing-related tasks I'd set for me to do every day, as well... It's a miracle that I could still finish writing 500 words a day.

Then again, every word I write is still an achievement despite the time crunching that I had to do every day. Yes, I might be crunching my time here. Not to mention, I get too distracted by Youtube, as well. Should I curse Youtube for that? But I earned every idea and the words I get to put on the blank pages. They were the reason why I'm still able to keep my sanity intact from all the craziness going on in my reality. They were not even easy to deal with, to be honest.

Let's see if I'd be able to write an update on the 14th or the 15th. Hopefully, by then, I get to reach my minimum goal of 10,000 words so that I could finally share it online for people to read. And I'd like it if you're one of those who'd read it, as well.