As for the books, I ended up reading two more erotic romance novellas. 😳🤭 Sorry. They just really came to me ㅡ the urge to read them, that is. I mean, I don't know why I was feeling sonething like wanting to DNF'd that book I'm currently reading even though I wanted to see through it till the end. Or could it be that I was feeling overwhelmed on the number of pages in that book? Maybe. Who knows. So reading novellas somehow lessen that burden in a way, I think.
Monday, September 30, 2024
【reading blog】just making sure i can make it today
As for the books, I ended up reading two more erotic romance novellas. 😳🤭 Sorry. They just really came to me ㅡ the urge to read them, that is. I mean, I don't know why I was feeling sonething like wanting to DNF'd that book I'm currently reading even though I wanted to see through it till the end. Or could it be that I was feeling overwhelmed on the number of pages in that book? Maybe. Who knows. So reading novellas somehow lessen that burden in a way, I think.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
【reading blog】still reading even when the storm surges
Today, I got to finish 4 novellas and 1 light novel. I was required to read 34 pages, and I got to read SO MUCH MORE than what I needed. Yes, I finally finished reading the third volume of "By The Grace Of The Gods" today! I rated it ⭐⭐⭐⭐ in Goodreads even though I wanted to rate it 4.25. Or maybe 4.5. I was torn between the two, to be honest. This was until this volume that the remaining episodes of the first season of the anime version was based on.
- Fuschia
- Lime
- Green
- Light blue
- Red
Starting tomorrow, I would be continuing to read "Doon" by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon. I would say, this was a long time coming. I mean, I was already at 38% of the book and I still have a long way to go. There were so many chapters, switching between friends Veronica and Mackenna. And maybe the amount of chapters intimidated me back then. But right now, I'm determined to finish reading the book and finally put it on my Read shelf.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
【reading blog】an entry before midnight ㅡ for real!
Yup, something short. And I needed it, to be honest. Especially when I got tired from helping out with the food preparations.
I only focused on reading "By the Grace of the Gods" since I needed something lighter to read to rest my mind. I managed to read 27 pages, but I might continue reading later after this. I'm at the 56% mark of the book so it might take me a little while to finish reading this. Of course, it depends on what will happen in the next coming days. Let's hope I won't be that busy so that I can get this over with.
Oh! I almost forgot. I also read two erotic novellas (again! *hides*) when I woke up this morning. They were still written by Jessa Kane and I still can't believe I got to read something like this. 😱🙀 Crazy as heck! I gave them ⭐⭐⭐, as well, along with the other stories in the series. Yes, it was a series. I was surprised.
Friday, September 27, 2024
【reading blog】merging yesterday and today's reading progress
I know I did mention that I read today... but I didn't expect that I would end up reading sci-fi erotica novellas. I mean... what the heck just happened to me? Then again, I would consider this as a genre that was out of my comfort zone. And regardless of the fact that I was uncomfortable in some parts, I did survive. That's what matters. 😂😂 By the way, I've given all of them ⭐⭐⭐. Yup, the uncomfortable part was what made me rate it that way. Of course, this is my personal opinion.
And because I've read these novellas, they covered my page count quota for today. Of course, I know I haven't mentioned my reading progress from yesterday since I didn't reach my quota. I only managed to read 22 pages out of 34. I was way too sleepy that I couldn't keep up and push through. With that, I ended up adding the remaining 12 pages to today's page count quota. So... 86+12 ㅡ that makes it to 98 pages.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
【reading blog】just wrote a late entry and i have books to blame for that
As you can see, I changed the page number range of the pages that I'd read in a day. If I remember, the range yesterday was 20-90. I increased the maximum number today by 5. And today, I did the same to the number of books on my Goodreads reading challenge ㅡ from 24 to 35. I was thinking of making it 40 books, but I backed out. Depending on the actual number of books that I would read this year, I might have to change the number of books to read for this year.
Thanks to the two books I finished reading yesterday, I was supposed to have reached my goal of 24 books this year already. But like what I've mentioned, I added more to my goal, thanks to this daily reading habit I started adapting. Of course, I was able to reach my page count quota yesterday and more.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
【reading blog】what the heck? i actually read steamy novellas? 😱😮🤯
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
【reading blog】did i cheat on this?
Monday, September 23, 2024
【reading blog】crunch reading just to be back on track
Sunday, September 22, 2024
【reading blog】Blogging Plans And Just Reading One Book
Saturday, September 21, 2024
【reading blog】Two Books Done And Started A New One!
Good morning! Here we go again with another daily blog entry about my reading journey, if it's actually right to call it that way. I'm trying my best to stay awake, to be honest. But maybe doing this will help in some way.
I removed my "Want to Read" book list in Goodreads yesterday. That's more than 300 books in the list that I declared to read over the years since having an account there. But looking at that list had ㅡ sometimes ㅡ give my mind some pressure and that sense of wanting to catch up with people reading so much who could "devour" books so easily. This shouldn't be, and yet it happened. And to be honest, deleting that list is better. It was like... giving off a sense of mystery, no matter how small, about what to read next (or even more so, what to finish reading next).
Friday, September 20, 2024
【reading blog】Started Reading New Books And A Realization
Good morning! Though in my case, it's a rather late, and also a rainy morning here in Baguio, 🇵🇭. It's nearly 7:30 AM as I'm writing here, just so you know. I'm pretty sure it was also raining in some other parts of the country because of the storm that, according to the internet, it already exited PAR (Philippine Area of Responsibility) since yesterday. But it would still bring rain to other areas for affecting the habagat (southwest monsoon).
Thursday, September 19, 2024
【reading blog】Another Novella Done While Trying To Figure Out My Blogging Pattern
Good morning! Welcome to another day of my daily blog. I hope that you have a good day, wherever you are in the world while reading this.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
【reading blog】2 Books Down, Even Though They Were Just Novellas (◠‿◕)
On the other hand, I have a good reading session yesterday that I couldn't even believe I did that. And the surprising thing for someone who was dealing with a major reading slump like me? I got to read a total of 214 PAGES! *internally screams so loud* That's insane, you know. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating what I was feeling here. But to think I would be able to actually read that many pages in one day, that's a lot. That's 257% more (thank you, percentage calculator) than my page count quota from yesterday.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
【reading blog】Done Reading Another Book While A New Mental Debate Started
Monday, September 16, 2024
【reading blog】6 Chapters To Go... And Then Some
Good morning! It's time of the week again where I have to wake up at 5 AM and I'm doing what I can not to fall asleep again after that. Maybe I should've fixed that other alarm clock so that I won't have to fall back asleep even on the weekends.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
【personal thoughts】my thoughts on reading vlogs after watching a lot of them lately
It's too much for my brain to comprehend. It's a lot for my "reading urge" to keep up.
【reading blog】Surpassing My Page Count Quota. A New Reading Plan.
Good morning! I honestly just woke up and it's already 7:03 AM here. Still feeling quite sleepy. But I know I should've done this when my alarm went off at 5 AM. Yikes! Done it again. I guess I was just too sleepy. It doesn't have to be this way, you know. I put a reading challenge to myself just so I can get over my bad reading slump.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
【reading blog】Finished A New Book! And Started A New One...
Friday, September 13, 2024
【reading blog】Celebrating Small Wins: Reading, Writing, and Morning Struggles
Thursday, September 12, 2024
【reading blog】Daily Update: Reading Triumphs and Writing Fails
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
【reading blog】an update from yesterday, and more...
It's crazy, right? Just what the heck happened to me all this time for me to have such a bad case of a reading slump? In any case, I'm putting up a little update from yesterday before I formally start my day today. It's a bit weird writing here in the early morning. But I think this is better than not writing anything here at all. I might be able to do this on a daily basis. Of course, that still depends on whether I want to actually write about a certain topic or not.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
【reading blog】a short update since i haven't been posting here
In any case, I just finished reading "What Happened At Midnight" by Franklin W. Dixon. And as you guessed it, this is just a pending reads that I seriously wanted to finish reading already. It took me a long while to finally finish reading the entire thing ever since adding it on my Goodreads shelf back in March 2023. You're kidding, right? Apparently for me, that's not the case at all. It took me that long to read the whole thing even though it's only 191 pages.