Tuesday, September 10, 2024

001: a short update since i haven't been posting here

So I finally finished reading one book this year... after setting it up since the start of the year. Like what the heck? Are you kidding me? I'm seriously in the middle of a bad reading slump right now. And to think that has been going on for such a long time. Urgh!

In any case, I just finished reading "What Happened At Midnight" by Franklin W. Dixon. And as you guessed it, this is just a pending reads that I seriously wanted to finish reading already. It took me a long while to finally finish reading the entire thing ever since adding it on my Goodreads shelf back in March 2023. You're kidding, right? Apparently for me, that's not the case at all. It took me that long to read the whole thing even though it's only 191 pages.

Now the goal that I have for myself at the moment (or should I say since last night) is that I would finish reading the other pending books on my ebook reader as soon as I wake up at 5 AM. Though that has been my usual wake-up time since I have to do things to help my sister prepare for work, I haven't been doing a lot of productive things as soon as I wake up and did my necessary tasks. So let's change that for now.

I got to read 13 pages as of this writing at 5.33 AM (🇵🇭 time). And so I decided to ask a random number generator to know how many pages I should read for today. And here's what I got!

96 pages for today. Can I do this? Can I seriously do this just for me to be able to beat this certain slump I have right now? I don't really know. But if I seriously want to get out of a major reading slump that I have right now, maybe this is the best way for me to do this. Right? And since I already read 13 pages, I only have to read 83 pages more for this day. That, and making my waking up at 5 AM a little bit productive by doing this and also writing. But in this case, I was just rewriting things.

Okay. I guess that's all the update I have for now since I still have to read some more to reach that 96 pages quota for today. But if I manage to read more pages than that, then that's even better. At the moment, I have to find other books that had been pending and waiting for me to read in my e-book reader. 😊✌️

Update: I chose "Daddy-Long-Legs" as the book that I should finish reading already. There's still a long way to go for me to actually achieve that. But I guess I'll choose this at the moment than choose either "Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" or "Doon". Oh, yeah. There's even the first book of The Mortal Instruments called "City Of Bones". Urgh! Why did I give myself such a torture right now?

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