Thursday, September 19, 2024

010: Another Novella Done While Trying To Figure Out My Blogging Pattern

Good morning! Welcome to another day of my daily blog. I hope that you have a good day, wherever you are in the world while reading this.

Oh, geez! I'm still sleepy. This is what happens when you end up sleeping at almost 1 in the morning even though you know you have to wake up at 5 AM. Seriously insane, if you ask me. I didn't think I'd end up writing this a little later than usual. But drowsiness got the best of me. Can't beat that at this point, so I let it.

Even with that, I know I still have to post something here to be 1.) consistent; and 2.) to give update about my reading. Thankfully, I keep track on what I was reading (Goodreads and notepads, thank you!) and also doing it in a way that wouldn't become a chore for me. Maybe another reason for me to do this daily journal is for me to write weekly updates and recaps (is that how you're supposed to call it? 🤔) of my reading journey. I didn't do the Week 1, but maybe I can do a Week 1 and 2 combined when I reached Day 14. Of course, that would be a different entry from my Day 14 post.

Now where was I?

Oh, right. Reading updates. I only read two books yesterday. Still the digital copies since I don't have physical copies of them, no matter how much I want to buy some. I got to read a total of 81 pages yesterday and I finished another novella. The other pages was about me continuing to read the light novel.

Another finished book! Who cares if it was another novella? What matters is that I finished a new book, even if it was just 41 pages (according to my e-book reader). It's the third of the "Improbable Meet Cute" series called "Rosie and the Dreamboat" by Sally Thorne. Again, this is the first time I've read anything about this author. I would rate this a ⭐⭐⭐.5. (First time to do this here.) I mean, it's good. It's cute. But maybe the way how it happened kind of put me off a bit. I didn't feel as invested and even giddy as that of the first book in the series. Perhaps the setting was to blame for that.

So that's Book # 8 out of 24 done on my Goodreads Reading Challenge. But I'm still 9 books behind schedule. And here I am, thinking that maybe I should read more novellas in the meantime just to catch up. I know it's kind of cheating. But at least I got to read more books. That's what matters. I'll worry about the page count and the novel length later.

As for the other book where the remaining 40 pages done reading came from, I continued reading the light novel "By The Grace Of God" Volume 1. According to my e-book reader, I'm about 45% done on the light novel. So I still have to read the remaining 55% and for sure, there would be so much that's going to happen. There were some scenes from the light novel that didn't appear in the anime version. So this would mean that I'm still somewhere in Episode 2 anime version. I was just about to start reading the "carriage ride heading to a new town while raining" scene from the anime in the light novel.

Number picker wheel chose 62 as my page count quota for today. Stating it here in case the photo doesn't show the number. 😁✌️ Yes, I'm still using the range 10-70, so you'll see numbers in my daily page count quota that won't exceed past 70. I want to use an achievable page count as my daily goal so it won't be overwhelming for my brain. If I exceed the goal (regardless of the number), then all the better.

Yes, this is me taking care of my brain while still doing my best to read every day. And now that the 10th day of daily reading has started, I feel good because of that. Of course, it only means that I found a new way to calm my overthinking mind other than writing and watching vlogs on both topics.

Okay, that's all I have for today. Happy reading! See you tomorrow! 😊✌️💕📚📖

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