Thursday, September 26, 2024

017: just wrote a late entry and i have books to blame for that

Yes, I know. This is really late since I've started this entry at 9:20 PM. I was preoocupied with fixing my ebook folder the whole day just so I can easily determine my TBR in the next coming days after fully reading my current reads. It did take me almost the whole day to do that.

Don't worry, I still managed to read a few pages. I just haven't reached my page count quota for today which is 34 pages, courtesy of the random number generator. See?

As you can see, I changed the page number range of the pages that I'd read in a day. If I remember, the range yesterday was 20-90. I increased the maximum number today by 5. And today, I did the same to the number of books on my Goodreads reading challenge ㅡ from 24 to 35. I was thinking of making it 40 books, but I backed out. Depending on the actual number of books that I would read this year, I might have to change the number of books to read for this year.

Thanks to the two books I finished reading yesterday, I was supposed to have reached my goal of 24 books this year already. But like what I've mentioned, I added more to my goal, thanks to this daily reading habit I started adapting. Of course, I was able to reach my page count quota yesterday and more.

If I were to consider the remaining 274 pages of the second volume of "The Weakest Tamer Begins The Journey To Pick Up Trash", it was a lot more than I was expecting to read. I changed the rating of this book from ⭐⭐⭐⭐ to ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Maybe because I loved it more the second time I read it compared to the first time I read the light novel. Especially since I also watched the second half of the anime version. This is actually the volume that made me love and root for Ivy and the adventurers that stayed with her till the end of that really hectic and dangerous mission with the enemy.

As for the novella "With Any Luck" by Ashley Poston, I rated it ⭐⭐⭐⭐ since I love the banter between the two leads. Well, minus Audrey's drunken version and I would not deal with her when she's like that. I really thought she did it with her best friend. Who would've thought it actually happened with that guy? Crazy, right? It's the switching of timelines that I didn't like a bit since it happened in every chapter. I wouldn't mind if there was like 2-3 chapters gap for the timelines, but that's not what happened.

I just read 11 pages of the third volume of "By the Grace of the Gods" yesterday since I was not in the mood to continue reading it. That's worth two chapters, by the way. And if I were to base it on the titles of the chapters, this volume will cover the remaining episodes of the first season of the anime version. And I still have a lot of chapters to read, to be honest.

Okay. It's now 9:42 PM (🇵🇭 standard time) and I think I should continue reading so I can finally reach that page count quota. Oh, yeah. I still have to write on my journal, as well. So I think this is where I end my entry. Hopefully, I won't be as late as I am today when I write my blog entry tomorrow. 😂😂

See you tomorrow! Happy reading. 😊✌️💕📚📖

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