Wednesday, September 18, 2024

009: 2 Books Down, Even Though They Were Just Novellas (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

Good morning, y'all!

Oh, gosh! I feel like I'll have a headache any time soon. It's 5:12 AM as I'm writing here and I still feel sleepy. Then again, can you blame me? It's cold outside, woke up again at past 1 AM and didn't get to sleep at past 3 AM. That's the third time already, you know? It's crazy, to be honest. I didn't realize that this kind of pattern would start to emerge. I couldn't help wondering what brought this on, though. But I think I might be able to figure something out sooner or later. We'll see.

On the other hand, I have a good reading session yesterday that I couldn't even believe I did that. And the surprising thing for someone who was dealing with a major reading slump like me? I got to read a total of 214 PAGES! *internally screams so loud* That's insane, you know. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating what I was feeling here. But to think I would be able to actually read that many pages in one day, that's a lot. That's 257% more (thank you, percentage calculator) than my page count quota from yesterday.

So how did that come to happen? I finished reading 2 books! Well, mainly novellas that I found really interesting and I love one of them. Love it to bits, even if if was just something short. But maybe because... the epistolary style of that story got to me.

The book I was talking about was "The Exception To The Rule" by Christina Lauren. Yes, the 1st novella of "Improbable Meet Cute" series. I finished reading it (not in one sitting since I was doing other things) before the morning even ended. Crazy, right? This is actually the first time I read anything by Christina Lauren and I love the writing style. This book was also the reason how I come to learn that the author was actually two people who are friends. Yes, I feel like I've been living under the rock for so long for knowing things like this just now or reading books from them when they were already published for quite some time now. But I'm catching up, so I guess I'll be off the hook? I've been reading the last 3-4 chapters of this novella after that and I can't get over it. I love it!

The second book (or novella) that I got to finish reading in (almost) one sitting was the 2nd book of the "Improbable Meet Cute" series called "Worst Wingman Ever". Again, the first time I'm reading anything written by Abby Jimenez. But I've already heard about her from Cari (YT: @caricanread) when she posted a video dedicated to this author and the books that this author wrote which Cari had read. This novella was a little more bittersweet for me because of the hospice issue and the topic of someone already dying. But I love the exchange of notes between the leads, though, regardless of it being accidental at first. I kind of want to try doing that (or... let it become a pattern in my life) one of these days. Of course, with someone I would come to love.

But that's a whole another story. I was supposed to be talking about books here. Not to start getting sappy or anything. 😂😁✌️

As for the third book that I read yesterday, I just continued reading up to 60 pages of the 1st volume of the light novel "By The Grace of Gods". I started reading it this year (not sure what month, though) and I've only read up until the middle of Prologue. Not that it was boring, since I've already watched the anime version of it and it was good. But maybe at the time that I was reading it, I couldn't force my brain to immerse myself to it. Like my brain was screaming to me not to read or stop consuming more words that would make my brain hurt or something. But I'm glad that I got to continue reading this without that "scream" in my head. Now I managed to read 60 pages of it. That's already a lot for me, you know. If I were to base the part of the book I managed to read yesterday to the scenes from the anime episodes, I'd say I stopped reading in the middle of the second episode. Or was it a third of the episode? 🤔

My goodness! The really good feeling that reading would bring to me... I missed feeling that, you know. And I'm loving it since I wasn't forcing myself to do it. And that's also one reason why I never let my page count quota exceed more than 70 since I feel that past that number was already too much for me. I don't mind considering that as a consolation prize for me to be reading more than my daily page count quota.

So for today... here's my page count quota:

Wow... 30 pages, huh? I mean, that's not bad. But I think I'll just continue reading the light novel instead of choosing something else for that. No big deal. At least, there wasn't any pressure. If I get to read more than 30 pages, then all the better. 😊💕

No life updates to be included here again, except for the fact that the current storm is still raging outside as I'm writing here and another storm had already entered the country last night. Talk about crazy weather lately even though we're already in the middle of September! Urgh! But I can't do anything about that. So... let it rage until it's over.

See you in the next blog entry! Bye! 😊✌️💕

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