Sunday, September 15, 2024

006: Surpassing My Page Count Quota. A New Reading Plan.

Good morning! I honestly just woke up and it's already 7:03 AM here. Still feeling quite sleepy. But I know I should've done this when my alarm went off at 5 AM. Yikes! Done it again. I guess I was just too sleepy. It doesn't have to be this way, you know. I put a reading challenge to myself just so I can get over my bad reading slump.

Though the random number generator was helping in some way, I also want to do this early in the morning. Or was it because my body knew that it was a Sunday and I don't have a task to do on an early weekend? I'm not sure. But I still want to do something productive as early as possible.

Anyway, yesterday's reading has progressed well. I managed to read more than my page count quota since I read... 91 pages! What do you know? That's insane! And to think my page count quota from yesterday was only 55. Then again, "While The Clock Ticked" by Franklin W. Dixon was a bit of an easy read, anyway. I'm still not done, by the way. But perhaps I guess it's something I needed before actually reading what I would consider a hard book. Any Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew books are easy to read, but I want to treat them as any other books that I've read. You could say I want to take it easy for myself in terms of reading.

But don't say that I was only reading easy books (regardless of whose standards would that be). There were also some... adult-standard books in spite of th genre that I have in my phone. Yes, you could say that they were influenced by the booktubers that I watched over the past week. But just like what I mentioned, I wanted to take it slow. Then again, because of that, I haven't even started reading my physical copy of "Realm Breaker" by Victoria Aveyard that I got from my youngest sister since my birthday last year. I mean... see how bad my reading slump was?

In any case, let's see how many pages I'm going to have to read today.

Wow... Just 26 pages, huh? Okay. It's still more than 10 pages, so that's fine. I guess I won't have any problems doing that today. Of course, it still depends since people around the house tend to make me do errands for them when I least expect it. You know what I mean? And so even if I have e-books of the books that I need to read, there would be times that I couldn't even spare a small time to do some reading because it's either I would be too busy or too tired to care. You know what I mean? But we'll still try, okay?

But you know what? I just thought about this yesterday. I was thinking of doing a Hardy Boys reading marathon once I'm done reading the 11th book, just so I can finally catch up with the number of books I've read in Nancy Drew. So that means... I have to read 18 more books of Hardy Boys before I can catch up with Nancy Drew. Yikes! That's still a lot, you know.

But hey, that would also help me catch up with my Goodreads reading challenge that I neglected for the good half a year. I only pledged to read 24 books this year, though. As in from 2024. Even so, it's a lot for my brain at the moment. If this keeps up and I did manage to read 24 books this year, then I would keep up my little tradition of basing my number of books to pledge reading with the year it corresponds. So next year (2025), I would pledge to read 25 books. I know it's not a lot. But I still want to do it that way. That's doable for me, I guess.

As much as I want to add some life updates and even writing updates in each of my entry, at this point, there was nothing interesting to add. I did ask my mom to cut my hair yesterday. But she didn't get to do it. I also had to fold an insane amount of washed laundry (since it included the clothes of everyone in the house, except mine) and I also ended up cooking. I only managed to rewrite one pages of each prompt list that I needed to rewrite. Didn't get to continue writing any of my stories. Another bummer! Maybe you could blame me for watching some reading challenge vlogs yesterday? 😁✌️

By the way, I love that I decided to add a square pic post above at the start of the entry with the summary of this blog post. I mean, I could use that to post to my IG as I think that account of mine is already starting to become stagnant. Should I post that in my writer's account or the personal one? Hmm... I guess I'm going to have to mentally debate on that before the day ends.

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