Wednesday, September 11, 2024

002: an update from yesterday, and more...

So this is an early morning post that I decided to place here, just because I can't concentrate on continuing to write that one-shot I started last night or continuing to read "Daddy-Long-Legs". Yup, that's the book I'm trying my best to finish since I've been reading it on and off since last year. 

It's crazy, right? Just what the heck happened to me all this time for me to have such a bad case of a reading slump? In any case, I'm putting up a little update from yesterday before I formally start my day today. It's a bit weird writing here in the early morning. But I think this is better than not writing anything here at all. I might be able to do this on a daily basis. Of course, that still depends on whether I want to actually write about a certain topic or not.

Night writing is meant for my journaling practices. Then again, I only write my daily events in there and nothing much, unless I have some thoughts that I need to bring out. That doesn't happen much, by the way. Was it a bad idea for me to journal and still keep things to myself? Urgh! I have no idea. I just feel bad that I wasn't honest enough in my journal when it comes to some of the strong feelings I have about my day. Especially the scenarios that I kept imagining over and over. But yeah, maybe that should be kept secret in the meantime until I'm comfortable writing about it.

Anyway... I didn't reach my reading quota yesterday. Such a bummer! I mean, I was so close to actually reaching my goal of 96 pages. I was able to read 94 pages until last night before exhaustion took over my senses and forced me to sleep before I could even stop it. Can you believe it? Then again, it always happens whenever I'd go out and head to town more than once. In this case, I went out twice yesterday to head to town and buy stuffs there. But I didn't think I'd be able to read that many pages on the first day! What do you know?

I decided to still do the same thing tomorrow ㅡ have a random number generator choose the number of pages that I'd be reading for today. But I decided to lessen the min-max number to generate from. In today's case, I wanted to choose the number of pages to read from 1-70. Here's what I got:

Just that much. And honestly, I don't mind. But that's because I still have a lot of stuffs I have to rewrite today. I want to write more than read, if I'm going to be honest.

the one-shot I started last night... there's the number 140!

And then there's also the one-shot that I started writing last night. It's a Koh/Umika one-shot and it was chosen from a random number generator, as well, that ranges from 1 to 153 one-shot fanfics that I intend to write. This chosen one-shot was number 140 and it was the number that came out from the number generator. Crazy, right? As much as I want to talk about the topic of that one-shot, maybe it's for the best if you read it once it's done. I'd be posting it on Wattpad and my other Blogger account, anyway.

Yikes! This almost looks like the length of my usual journal entry, huh? But... if I'm going to be honest, it doesn't sound so bad. At least I have a reason to write daily here. But this is only the second day, so I shouldn't speak too soon. If I can keep this up for a month or two, then maybe I can consider it an achievement.

But for now, this is where the entry ends. Thanks for reading! 😊✌️💕

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