Friday, September 13, 2024

004: Celebrating Small Wins: Reading, Writing, and Morning Struggles

Good morning! And as per usual, I didn't get up even after my alarm at 5 AM went off. This is what happens when I know I don't have to get up early to help my sister prepare for work since she wasn't here. 😂 It's crazy, I know. It's 6:55 AM and I only woke up when my mom called for me to check on her blood sugar since she has to leave a little later for her own errand. I ended up sleeping right after that alarm went off. Yikes! 🤭

But for a reading update, of course I was able to reach my quota and more. My reading pages quota yesterday was 15 pages and I was able to read 28 pages of (still) "Daddy Long Legs". I still have 27 pages left to read for that book before I can finally say that I finished reading it. Finally! Anyway, I think I'll celebrate when I actually did finish reading it. That's better, right?

As for today's page count quota for my reading, here's what I got!
page number count for me to read for today

And that means, I could finish "Daddy Long Legs" today if I were to base it on the number of pages left on the book for me to read! Yay! 😁🙌 Maybe I should do a random generator on the next book I was in the middle of reading for me to read next. Yes, no matter how long. In any case, I'll post about that tomorrow morning (🇵🇭 time).

But you know, doing this random number generator to determine the number of doable pages for me to read every day is actually helping me overcome my reading slump little by little. I'd rather do this, to be honest, than force myself into something quite hard at the start. I would usually find myself getting overwhelmed whenever that happens. So let's take it little by little, okay? And honestly, I like the variety of the number of pages for me to read every day. It actually helps me determine the average number of pages that I can comfortably read in a day. But it hadn't been a week that has passed since I started doing this. Maybe I should just record this for a month before I can say anything about the average. Hence, this daily morning blog entry equating to my own digital daily reading/writing journal.

As for my writing... I made small progress. No update on the word count as I was actually handwriting that one-shot. Old habits die hard, not going to lie. And that old habit of mine includes handwriting my stories first, regardless of my speed of writing by hand, before typing them on my cellphone (most of the time) or (rarely) my sister's laptop that I borrowed. But I filled up the first page and managed to write on half of the second page ㅡ with my small handwriting! See?
see how small my handwriting is? 😅

Okay, maybe that wasn't exactly half a page that I've written on the second page. Sorry, wrong description! 😂 But at least I got to write more... 5 minutes before midnight! Yup, I actually slept past midnight and that was my fault. I got caught up that I forgot I have to sleep early. Crazy!

Gosh! Now they're already calling me to do various tasks. It happens once they knew I was already up. 😔 And that means, I'm ending my morning entry here.

Another entry that still doesn't have a title. Seriously?

In any case, see you tomorrow! 😊✌️💕

Update (7:37 AM): Am I in such a blog title slump that I even have to rely on ChatGPT for a title? Not really sure if I should be glad with that. For now, this helps me quite a bit. 🙁

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