Saturday, September 14, 2024

005: Finished A New Book! And Started A New One...

Good morning... from a way too early riser (ish). Not really. 😕😕 I actually woke up at 1:52 AM for some reason, and I don't know what else to do since my brain just say that I don't want to continue sleeping just yet. So I'm doing a REALLY early blog entry for my daily blog. Maybe it's because not being able to write anything... is crazy. That's the only problem I have from yesterday. Okay, maybe even reading, as well. I mean, I didn't reach my page count quota for the day. 😔😞

On the bright side, I was able to finish "Daddy Long Legs" because of that page count goal. And I was shocked when I saw that I've been reading that book for more than two years already (since May 2022, according to my Goodreads data). Yikes! Just what the heck was I doing all this time? Then again, the same goes to the other books in my reading list. So who was I to complain? This is what happens when a lot of books keep enticing me to read them. Yup, blaming the light novels I kept seeing and been wanting to read. And more new books coming out every chance I get. 😬😬

Thanks to finishing "Daddy Long Legs", I was able to read 27 pages. So I still have 30 more pages to read. But the really strange me ended up picking a new book to read instead. Like... seriously? But compared to the ones I have on my earlier reading list, this new book I picked was shorter than the others. So yes, I have to read a short book in the meantime.

This is the book I picked to read yesterday. The 11th book of "Hardy Boys" ㅡ finally! Then again, I was already planning to read this book ㅡ after finally finishing to read the 10th book ㅡ ever since I started this personal reading challenge, anyway. And even with all this excitement I have for picking to read this? Sad to say, I only got to read 26 pages of this book yesterday. So obviously, I didn't reach my page count quota. But I don't want to be so hard on myself since I was on a bad case of reading slump. Any more self-degrading and self-scolding for the things I haven't accomplished in a day would only make me feel worse. So there you go! At least I read more than 10 pages, which was the minimum number of pages that I would put on the random number generator, anyway.

As for me choosing "While The Clock Ticked" as the next book to read, I have my reasons. Have I ever mentioned the fact that I wanted to read more books of "Hardy Boys" first until I reach Book 29 just so I can catch up with the number of books I read on "Nancy Drew"? No? Okay, now you know. I've actually been wanting to read these two series alternately for a long, long time once I finished reading up to Book 29 of "Hardy Boys". And I've already read up to Book 29 of "Nancy Drew". So yes, I might end up doing this (choosing to read Hardy Boys books instead of the supposed pending book to read) from time to time just until I finished reading those pending books that I started reading from who knows when. I honestly don't even want to look at my Goodreads account and list of currently reading books since I don't want to know how long I've been putting up reading any of these books on hold.

This is seriously crazy for my brain! Urgh! 🤦‍♀️☹️ But I better stop doing this self-blaming (or anything similar) because of my reading list. This isn't healthy. And I don't think it will ever be if I keep this up, you know. As for the certain pending book that I was supposed to read if I didn't choose "While The Clock Ticked"? The random picker actually chose "Ink and Bone" by Rachel Cane, which is the first book of "The Great Library" series. See?

I had to resort to doing this because I couldn't really pick which of the four pending books I should choose to read. And also because I was lazy to pick, anyway. 🤦‍♀️ Just how many times have I used this face slap on myself, for real? I even wanted to use the percentages of the books read as a basis for my pick. In the end, I didn't do that. But I might resort to do that some other time ㅡ if I wasn't in the mood to reading from my phone. I might actually decide to read from physical books. And that means picking a new book since a lot of my physical books in my collection weren't really available in my phone. I chose it that way.

As for my thoughts on that finished book... Hmm... 🤔🤔 A lot of Judy's letters were detailing her growth (and lots of complaints) that, weird enough, I find endearing. But I guess considering her age (and her origins) at each time, I guess I can understand. This story has only made me miss letter writing since I've done that several times before if it wasn't for a certain "trauma" I ended up dealing with because of letter writing. But that's for another time and blog entry, I guess. And reading this novel has only made me want to write an epistolary novel myself (which I already started even before I began reading "Daddy Long Legs"). Again, it will be told some other time or in another entry.

Wow! An blog entry solely talking about my reading journey. I guess you could say that this is a proper reading blog. 😁✌️ But I really don't mind adding other things in any of my blog entries, as long as it's appropriate. At this point, I wasn't going to mention anything about my writing progress because... well... there was never a progress to mention, anyway. I didn't write yesterday. But it's okay, I guess. I wasn't in the mood to write at all, even the rewriting. It was a miracle that I got to write a journal entry last night, to be honest.

For today, this is my page number quota, thanks to the random number generator (as usual).

Let's see if I can read 55 pages today. One thing I can tell you. I'd definitely be able to read more than 10 pages. If I can read up to 55 pages and more, that'll lift my spirits up. I think. 😉✌️

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