Saturday, January 26, 2019

【personal thoughts】Day 26 of 365, 2019

 It's 11:42 in the evening. I'm suppose to finish something but here I am, writing nonsense things again. Wait, should I really consider journal writing as something nonsense?

Forgive me. I really don't know what I'm saying right now. It's a good thing I didn't miss taking my vitamins today after forgetting to do so for two days straight for some reason.

I finally got to start writing again. Finally, I was able to continue that Stinger/Hammie fanfiction that was put on hold for more than a year, believe it or not.

Yes, a year. My last update of that story was around July of the year 2017. I can't remember the reason why I decided to put it on hold, though. Probably because it's been that long. I could only apologize for not taking my writing quite serious even though I kept on saying that it will always be a part of me whatever happens.

What else? Oh, right. I suddenly came up with a decision of watching Hallmark movies for some reason (again).

For now, I'll watch those that were posted on Youtube as they were easily accessible somehow ใ…ก at least most of it. I might post comments about those movies here on my blog once I'm done watching them.

And I think I'm having a crush on another Japanese celebrity. Not that it's surprising since I have a list of my celebrity crushes featuring a lot of Japanese actors. But this time, I'm having a crush on another Kamen Rider actor. Not only that, this actor is also a secondary Rider.

The actor's name is Akaso Eiji who played Banjou Ryuuga/Kamen Rider Cross-Z in Kamen Rider Build.

Normally, I would only have crushes on selected Sentai actors. So this one turned out to be a little different for me.

Anyway, for now, I'll end this entry here. Till next time!

Friday, January 25, 2019

【personal thoughts】Day 25 of 365

Sorry. I couldn't think of an appropriate title for this entry so I went with this one. Back to usual.

I know I've missed posting blog entries for a few days ใ…ก again ใ…ก all for the reason of not having anything to say at all. Should I apologize to that? Ah, wait. I think I have to add laziness as another reasom for not being able to post anything. That, I know, is something to apologize for.

It's currently 10:38 in the morning here and not even half of the day had passed. Even so, I might post something later again.

Two days ago, I was able to come up with visual inspirations for my Sentai story Utsuwa Sentai Seitenger (at least for the 10 rangers). And all of those visuals were actually actors and actresses from various Kamen Rider series. I got inspiration from animefics569's posts about her visuals for her own Sentai story.

And you know what?

I like how it turned out. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

【personal thoughts】I'm Back!

 I know. Lame title for a blog entry after three days of not posting anything. But yes, I just got back from a two day trip to Vigan with my sisters and my father.

They really planned it, if you ask me.

Anyway, I enjoyed visiting the place for the first time. And you know what? I think that trip partially fulfilled one of my 2019 wish list.

I've posted most of the photos from that trip on my personal IG account.

I'll post another blog entry later. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

Friday, January 18, 2019

【personal thoughts】About To Travel

 ...and that will happen tomorrow.

So yes, I think this will be the shortest entry I'm going to post by far for this month because I need to sleep already. We're supposed to leave Baguio at around 4 or probably 5 in the morning tomorrow heading to Vigan, Ilocos Sur.

It will be my first time in my 27 years to go there. And it will also going to be my first travel of the year.

(Yeah, right. I never even leave the house unless it's necessary.)

Anyway, before I completely call myself a little crazy here for writing something in parenthesis like that, I think I should end this point so I could finally sleep.

I'll try to post something by tomorrow once we reach Ilocos. If not, then I'd be able to do it on Sunday night.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

【personal thoughts】Self-love and Self-confidence

 These two could be my biggest wish for this year 2019 even as the Year of the Earth Pig approaches. Alright, I'm not being dramatic here and I'm not going to. I just saw this mostly posted on Twitter. And then I just took a sort of quiz on Soompi on how will love come to me this year and the result is Love Yourself. Yes, just like BTS' song.

To be honest, I can't really tell if I'm confident enough if I'm still shy and nervous to face the world. Maybe on the line between confidence and lack of it? I can't tell.

Anyway, it's Thursday today so I'm wishing my favorite loveteam a Happy AlDub 183rd Weeksary!

Alright, now that this came up, I recalled wanting to tweet something a while back but never got to. It's about supporting someone, especially an artist that truly changed you and gave a big impact in your life. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember that now.

Though I'm sure they won't be able to know, I still want to let both Alden and Maine know that I love them and will continue supporting them even though I don't show it in social media often.

I'm prioritizing my (almost hermit) writer life, that's why. I couldn't give this up, even though people keep on telling me to. I guess that goes to my admiration of AlDub/MaiDen/MaiChard fandom.

What else?

I'm still keeping up with my #90DaysWithDrops challenge (still in Nihongo). Thanks to the Premium Drops Giveaway that I ended up winning along with one other, I could do it any time I want to and I won't have to wait for 10 hours to fill my time dose of 5 minutes per session. I couldn't be happier because of it.

Thank you, Lord! You just gave my year a really amazing start.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

"Premium Lifetime"

Weird for a title once again, huh? This time, it's a no. But only for the reason that I finally got my price from the #90DaysWithDrops challenge launch on Instagram.

And it's a Premium Lifetime (at least that's what was stated when I redeemed the promo on the App Store).

Pretty cool, huh? It definitely made the start of my year quite fun for my learning experience in using Language Drops app. And I'm really thankful for that.

I still couldn't think of a way for me to start that angel-themed short story for WANI's next anthology. But even so, I got inspired in creating three more manips for the story featuring my visual inspirations Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza using PicsArt.

This is one of those three.

I still couldn't figure out how to incorporate this in the story. But I think I'd be able to find a way.

I think. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Trying To Start That Angel-Themed Story

 It's 11:22 in the evening and I'm only rewatching Kalyeserye at the moment instead of finally starting to write for WANI Publishing's next anthology. Yes, the very same publishing group that approved my short story for the second book of their Valentine Diaries anthology. Sorry for those reading this who couldn't understand Filipino, but I wrote that one-shot in Taglish (mix of Tagalog and English).

So now, the new theme for WANI's next anthology will be about angels (fallen, warrior, half, archangels, and others).

I was made aware of the theme ahead of the formal announcement from WANI's FB group. I had an initial plan for that using my previous unfinished fantasy series. And when the formal announcement appeared, I ended up thinking that it would be a little hard for me to initiate my initial writing plan for the angel-themed stories for me to submit for WANI.

But to be honest, I'm not really sure if I could pull it off since I haven't written any stories like that at all. Believe me. I think I could pull off writing fairies or humans with superpowers.

But not about angels, even if I have to deviate immensely from the theological aspect of it just for me to start writing it. Especially when it comes to the angel's backstory. And it's probably for that reason why I decided to place Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments series and Lauren Kate's Fallen series on my next-to-read stories.

Of course, I have to finish reading Garth Nix's The Keys To The Kingdom series and possibly even James Dashner's The 13th Reality series since I already started reading the first book of each series.

Anyway, I might be able to update you about it.

Lastly, even though I said that I have doubts in starting to write that angel-themed short story, I still came up with visual inspirations for the pair to be featured in it. Yup, rewatching Kalyeserye made me decide to make Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza as visual inspirations for the pair in the story.

In fact, because of that, I even created a photo edit of those two using PicsArt (using that app for the first time) that has a relation to the story ใ…ก at least a clear indication on Maine's character.

Here it is:

So what do you think?

Monday, January 14, 2019

Aching All Over

 The title of this blog entry (which was supposed to be posted yesterday night of January 13) was the result of lifting too many water buckets. Yes, they were filled with water so I could transfer them to the two water drums outside the house. I know, it seems like I'm complaining here. I could be.

But that's not the issue here.

It's Sunday yesterday, right? That means I should've posted a Sunday Currently entry. But I never got to do it. Again. It feels like I have nothing to tell yesterday. Or should I say too tired to even write something? I didn't even do the 2nd part of my #90DaysWithDrops challenge because of the same reason.

So yeah, let's just proceed typing this down to sum things up ใƒผ if there's even something to sum up.

  • I tried editing photos using Pixlr yesterday night for the first time. And I tried it first on Kishi Yosuke and Okubo Sakurako's photos.

  • Like I said, fatigue got me yesterday. And my arms still ached until now.

And now...

Wait, should I start suming things up that had happened today, as well? Still thinking. It's only 3:47 in the afternoon. I guess I could post something for today.

Anyway, we'll see.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

General Cleaning And Cooking

Well, I was one of those who did the cleaning while my sisters and my mom did the cooking. It was Saturday. They were all here and not working/going to school.

Weird start for yesterday's journal entry, huh?

Sleep got the best of me again so I wasn't able to type this down late at night. That is, if you consider 10 and 11 PM as late. The one I consider late is 12 midnight. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

So besides cleaning and cooking, one thing different from yesterday concerns one of my writing plansใƒผagain. This time, it's about the Emberwatchers. I finally decided to use the characters and names I thought of for the other version of Utsuwa Sentai Seitenger for this story. Which means some of the back stories of the characters in Emberwatchers will be in parallel with Seitenger.

I also posted the first five character profiles (or should I call aesthetics?) on my IG account, as well.

Now I have to think of character profiles for the last 5.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Drowsiness Got The Best Of Me

It's 7:50 in the morning of January 11. Which means I never got to type down my supposed blog entry for January 10 since drowsiness got the best of me and I ended up sleeping for good ใƒผ at least for the night. I guess I was that tired, huh?

Well, I did go out to town twice yesterday so it's no surprise. Not to mention that I just walked from my house to the town proper itself for no reason. I just felt like walking.

Sadly, because of that, I never got to finish (let alone start) the one-shot that's been in my mind since yesterday. Seriously, I won't be able to finish anything if this keeps up. It shouldn't be like this.

And here I am retweeting Maine's tweet about being productive. I even said that I'd make it my mantra. ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•

In any case, yesterday is another unique day for me apart from tearing more scraps papers to write on (you'll eventually get what that means when you see my previous IG posts involving a pile of papers). But the one that stood out was me thinking of a way to write down my thoughts regarding a certain show that I've watched before tweeting about it.

Yes, I had that plan since I want to fill up my Twitter acount with actual tweets rather than more retweets. But we'll see on how will I be able to pull it off.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Still Thinking

Typing this blog entry # 9 of 365 at 12:17 AM of January 10 while I'm still awake. I still have to finish one more task, that's why I'm still awake. I'm not sure if apples could help me stay awake, just until I'm done with it. But since coffee has no effect on me, I think I should find another way.

By the way, I want to congratulate Georgie Henley for being selected as one of the casts for the Game of Thrones prequel. This was the news that I saw on my Twitter yesterday morning (January 9) I woke up.

I don't usually do this, to be honest. But I love the fact that I could express small things like this on my blog when I rarely even do that before. I'm happy and I want to express it somehow. Anyway, I don't know if I can promise that I'd be able to watch it. But I think I might be able to do that once I started watching Game of Thrones at last.

I told you, I'm not getting involved too much when the hype happens. Unless of course, it's a different story if it's about Super Sentai. I'm somewhat updated when it comes to that. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

What else?

Oh, yes. I'm babysitting again since the two kids my family were taking care of had just arrived at around 10 yesterday morning. It will last until Saturday.

I still want to tell more things here but my eyes start to droop again and I'm seriously struggling to keep it open right now. Listening to music on my playlist somehow helps in keeping me awake aside from munching sliced apples. But I know that won't last long.

One last note: My mind still keeps on imagining things about you. I'm trying hard not to but it won't stop. They were about things that I know will never happen since we live on different parts of the globe. But then, who knows? Perhaps a miracle will happen. It's only the start of 2019, anyway.


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I Had No Idea

Another quite late post for this day, which is supposed to be the 8th day and now I'm typing this late again. Should I really mention what's new today (or appropriately said as yesterday)?

Nothing much, except for the fact that I'm still debating on which of the three series (Once Upon A Time, The Shannara Chronicles, and Shadowhunters) should I focus on watching first. Then there's still the unfinished one-shot fanfic that I'm still trying to continue writing about Gokaiger's Marvelous and Ahim (my possible Gokaiger OTP). In the end, I just ate pancit lomi and the cheese streusel that I bought when I went to the market yesterday. I'd rather eat some food than getting frustrated over some issues.

Anyway should I consider this weird about me? Actually, I just learned yesterday that William Moseley actually visited Philippines two years ago (2017) and I HAD NO IDEA! For real! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I would have cried with knowing that just now. Seriously...

But then again, I think I'd rather not do that simply because it's not necessary. It makes me happy to know that he visited the country where I live and he loved it. Right now, that's more than enough for me.

I could only hope that he could visit Philippines again, though.

Okay. So you might be wondering why I'm reacting like this over this issue. Or not.

It's because William is one of my Western celebrity crushes. Even though right now, East Asian artists got my attention but that doesn't exactly diminish the fact that William still has a huge spot in my heart. And I'm serious about that (despite not being obvious). I might not have been able to follow his journey and other projects as an actor after Narnia, but that fact still remains.

Anyway, with that, I think I should add The Royals on my series-to-watch list.

Now it's time for me to say good night. ใŠใ‚„ใ™ใฟใชใ•ใ„。。。

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 7 of 365, 2019

Wow! Already at Day 7? That means I've been posting short entries for a week now. It's already an achievement to me if I were to compare it from last year in which I rarely post anything. But as similar to what happened on the 6th entry, I'm posting this quite late again.

It's 12:08 in the morning of January 8 here in the Philippines. Yes, I know. I'm suppose to be sleeping already. But I won't do that until I'm done posting this.

New things that happened? I got a new clipboard.

See? It's quite cheap and I only needed a small one that I can bring around, especially when I go out and would suddenly have a burst of inspiration that I want to write down. Not the color I was looking for, but this will do.

Okay... What else?

I had this sudden urge to listen to these songs for some reason:

  • Photograph by Paolo Santos
  • When Love Finds You by Vince Gill
  • Find Me by David Gates

Honestly, I don't know why I wanted to listen to these songs in repeat somehow. But since I also came to love it all, I decided not to think too much about it at all... for now.

One other thingใƒผI'm still debating which English series I should focus on watching first among these choices:

  • Once Upon A Time
  • The Shannara Chronicles
  • Shadowhunters
These things are truly confusing me. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Monday, January 7, 2019

Supposedly For Day 6 of 365, 2019

The title's a little lengthy, huh? Well, it means what it meant. This should have been posted yesterday and not at 12:39 AM today (Dec. 7). Urgh!

Sorry. I actually got caught up watching this Tagalog short film for some reason. Romance in genre, but I couldn't help cringing at some parts. Well, it's an amateur film and it was created for a project in Filipino subject so... Anyway, the title of the film was based on an OPM song by 1:43.

One other thing I got caught up in doing was publishing my one-shot stories on Wattpad one by one and not in a collection. To be honest, I have no idea what had gotten into me to do that. But I still did it.

And yes! One major change happened today and I also posted about it on my Twitter and Instagram.

Yes, I had a change of hairstyle!

It's about time, you know. I've been asking my mom about it since last year. It's a good thing she finally gave in.

To be honest, I wanted to post a Sunday Currently entry as my Day 6 blog entry. But then, I ended up doing this instead. I don't know what to feel... except for my imagination going wild again with me imagining to actually go to London and live there. And maybe find my significant other on that place, as well? I have no idea why I thought of that. I'm confused. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

But then again, for that to happen, I think it's about time my birth certificate would be finally fixed. My father took charge of it last year. I just hope he still hasn't forgotten about it.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Day 5 of 365, 2019

Day 5, huh? I can't believe I've been posting blog entries here for 5 straight days (or should I say night since I'm typing the entries down at night). Anyway, I'm not going to expect anything much from this except for the fact that it could help me track my thoughts for that day down. It might help me in some ways in the future. Who knows?

I had a lot of thoughts lingering in my mind today. But the one prominent thought (aside from my daily imaginings of me finding a boyfriend someplace other than my home country) would be the idea of merging the two worlds from some of the series I wanted to write. In fact, I posted that thought on my Twitter.

Here it is:

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I could do the idea. But I'm considering it since I'm dealing with fantasy and the idea of various worlds and dimensions on my upcoming writing projects. We'll just see whether or not I could fully apply it.

If I would truly write this concept down, I think this story idea would be included here.

This is going to be the story about Althea Kerrigan [who will appear in Operation: Cloudbreak (Dimensional Cloud Guardians) as one of the four Daughters of Light] and her teammates that, intially, was the idea for the English adaptation of my Sentai story Utsuwa Sentai Seitenger. But since I retained the Japanese concept of Seitenger and didn't want to let go of the English idea, I decided to create a new story for them.

And this is how it ended up.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Day 4 of 365, 2019

I'm typing this down at 11:11 p.m. (make a wish! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚) while waiting for these two cuties' parents who were supposed to get them tonight.

And yes, that's what they said to me. But more often than not, they don't usually do what they were saying. I had the feeling they hadn't changed at all despite this being already 2019.

One more complain I have today would be my aching gums. I hate it! Even though it's only the lower right part of my jaw, it still doesn't help. And I'm still thinking until now why it happened.

As for my writings...

I did continue writing the Marvelous/Ahim one-shot fanfic I started two days ago. Unfortunately, I haven't even written half of it yet and it's making me sad.

Anyway, this is the prompt I used for that fanfic and it's going to be the first Gokaiger fanfic I'll ever write. Hopefully, by tomorrow, I'll be able to finish it so that I could post something on my Wattpad account.

Oh, right.

I guess there's still something I could call a progress for the day. I'm currently reading the 8th chapter of Mister Monday.

So that's it for now, huh?

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Day 3 of 365, 2019

Okay, this is kind of 21 minutes late as I'm typing this down at 12:21 AM of January 4. At least here in the Philippines. Weird, huh? But I wanted to stick to my plan of typing down what happened to me for that particular day starting this year. Sort of a journal. I know it will help me in more ways than one... someday.

Anyway, the only different thing that happened to me yesterday would be the final thoughts I had on the four additional characters for my planned story Operation: Cloudbreak (Dimensional Cloud Guardians). Here's one thing I did about thatใƒผI made them actually originate from several worlds outside of the Cloud Dimension. So each of the four girls came from various worlds with light as their common power. Hence, the title given to them Daughters of Light as the one mentioned in one of the Cloud Dimension's prophecy.

Here's the photo edit I made for me to prove all that:

Sorry, I went story-mode again. I can't seem to get rid of it. By the way, you might notice that the visuals I used were all from different ethnicity. Another habit of mine when it comes to thinking of visual inspirations.

Oh, right. There was one thing I haven't mentioned previously. I joined the #90DaysWithDrops challenge days ago with the goal of me learning more Nihongo than what I already know.

It has always been my goal to learn Japanese more than Korean unlike the rest of my family for obvious reason. But one particular was always about my fascination to Japanese culture.

What else? I haven't got the time (for some reason) to continue watching Once Upon A Time or reading Mister Monday.

So... I guess that's it for Day 3, huh?

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Day 2 of 365, 2019

It's past 11 in the evening now that I'm typing this down. But I can't sleep just yet since I still have a task to finish. What has been going on today? Well, I finally finished the first episode of Once Upon A Time.

And yes, I'm on the first season. It took me a while to finish watching it even though I said on Twitter that I'd watch it during the New Year's Eve.

I know, I'm really late in joining in to the fandom. Or at least trying to get to know the fandom. I've been seeing a lot about this on my Tumblr dashboard but it took me quite a long while to actually decide to watch this. And I must say I'm really impressed with the concept of the story. But then again, anything that has fantasy ใƒผ and really good story ใƒผ is worth catching my attention. I think I might post my comment about the first episode by tomorrow. We'll see.

Another thing about today: I continued reading Mister Monday (the 1st book of The Keys To The Kingdom series by Garth Nix) but only up to Chapter 5.

I did say to myself that I'll try finishing to read this before the end of last week. Unfortunately, I never got to do it. You know, maybe I should make it a resolution to do thisใƒผfinishing a book in a week. What do you think?

Ah! And there's one more. It was about the story Operation: Cloudbreak (Dimensional Cloud Guardians).

I was thinking of adding 4 more characters there in which the story of the Power Casters from the Cloud Dimension will be told in these four's POVs. And all of those four added characters were girls from other worlds to be called Daughters of Light. It's still an idea and I'm still debating on whether or not I would actually add it on to the story.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Day 1 of 365, 2019

I got busy, that's one thing. At least, to those writing-related things. I want to do more since I got chosen as one of WANI Publishing's official writers. If I really want to continue doing this, then I should do what I can to step up. To be honest, I kind of want to write smut stories. But all I could do after thinking that is to facepalm. For real.

Besides that, I got to continue writing a one-shot for Thorned Blades Chronicles. This time, it's about Renz and Lara's short story which is going to be written in Filipino. Though I've done the continuation on paper first. I just had that habit. Sorry.