Sunday, September 19, 2021

【Book Comment】Five Run Away Together (The Famous Five # 3)

Blurb (from Goodreads):

Julian, Dick and Anne arrive in Kirrin Cottage to stay with George (real name Georgina) for the holidays. They plan to spend time exploring Kirrin Island but their happiness is spoilt when Aunt Fanny falls ill and has to leave with Uncle Quentin to be treated in a far-off hospital. They are cared for by Aunt Fanny's temporary cook, Mrs Stick, who is accompanied by her husband and their ghastly son Edgar. The Sticks and the four children come to hate each other. Mrs Stick repeatedly tries to poison George's dog Timmy, prompting George to hatch a secret plan to run away to Kirrin Island. When Julian catches her leaving, she decides to allow the other children to go with her.

The children find evidence of other people visiting the island and suspect smugglers. The discovery of a young girl's toys and clothes point to something sinister going on.

Finally got back with my reading. Or at least I'd like to think of it that way. In any case, I ended up finishing this for about three days, which I'm glad since I thought it'll take me a week to do that. It's a good thing it didn't happen that way. I guess you could say I wasn't sure on what to read next after the second book. But yeah, maybe it's a good thing that I proceeded in reading this third book in the series.

One thing I can say about this story -- Julian was quite a bossy fellow. George was ever the obstinate, so I wasn't surprised on that. Dick remained the sort-of jester of the group while Ann, this time, somehow acted like a mother figure. At least I think of it that way. Julian really stood out to me, both in a good and a bad way because of the way he handled things with the Sticks and the issues they encountered upon their return to the island. Perhaps at most point, he did act as the group's leader and the one who would control George. The latter, though, doesn't succeed all the time since George was stubborn to a fault.

Right from the start, I could see that the Sticks were up to no good and there was no surprise that they were involved in something big. But seriously, kidnapping? I'd rather not complain. They really took advantage of their experience in the ruined castle to scare the enemies off, and in a weird way, I must say. I kind of like to know how they spent the remaining week in the island after the ending, though. But I guess I could just do that in my imagination.

My second book I finished this month and I'm glad that I even got to read two books. Let's see what book will I write a comment on next. Till next time!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

【Book Comment】Five Go Adventuring Again (The Famous Five # 2)

Blurb (from Goodreads):

There's a thief at Kirrin Cottage! The Famous Five think they know who it is, but they need to prove it! Where can they find evidence? The discovery of an old map and very unusual hiding place is all they need to get to the bottom of this mystery and uncover the true culprit! 

Finally! I got to finish reading this one. August hasn't been good to me in terms of my reading and yes, I haven't finished reading anything last month. So I tried my best this month. Thank goodness, I was able to do just that.

I have a physical copy of this book, by the way. Surprisingly, I was able to find some more at Booksale before the pandemic started. So I couldn't help wondering why I wasn't able to finish reading this last month. Then again, there's no use dwelling on that. Right now, here I am with the individual book comment.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

【personal thoughts】Short Life Update # 1

So at the moment, I'm just seizing the opportunity of having people not using the desktop computer for me to be able to write here. I mean, it's been a while since I've posted something here properly, right? I was supposed to do a wrap-up for the month of August. But my birth month turned out to be wackier than I thought it would be. That's why I'm doing it this way for now.

Still an unemployed person, sorry to say that. For someone who already turned 30, this is not good news at all. But as much as I want to actually find a job, I'd really like it to be something that I'm happy to do regardless of the stress. Writing is the one thing that kept me sane, and obviously, something that I've always been happy to do for who knows how long. Seriously, when did I start writing stories, anyway? I mean, writing something that really brought me so much joy and would make me forget the world around me? Geez, I can't even remember when it all started.

At the moment, it's raining hard here since last night due to Tropical Cyclone Kiko (international name: Chanthu). But here I am, kind of hoping that it won't be the same as what happened last month when it rained for three weeks straight. And also here I am, praying for those affected by the higher typhoon signals.

I watched Kamen Rider Saber, by the way. And you could say that I like the concept of it using books, stories, and swords. I'm pretty sure you're aware that I like those.

As for stories I'm focusing on writing now, I have the new version of "The Last Sky Of The Earth" in its fantasy setting and written in English. Not an easy thing to do, if I'm going to be honest. But hey, I chose to do this, only because the concept of isekai has really hit me. Even the concept of reincarnation and things like that.

Yup, I wasn't joking when I said that this is short. Let's see if I'd be able to post something else here before the month ends. Stay safe!