Sunday, October 31, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 37 |

Yes, I'm aware that I've missed a Sunday again after posting the last SC entry. So here I am, back again to fill up a second SC entry for October. And to think it's the last day of the month. I still have a lot to write about and I just finished writing on my journal, in which I decided to add a rolling weekly spread on it as a trial. So I might as well get on with this, right?

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Thursday, October 28, 2021

【journal prompt】Write the words you need to hear.

  • I am loved.
  • It's not hopeless for my life to change, even at my current age.
  • I can fulfill my dreams, regardless of my age.
  • I can find love in the most unexpected places. And they believe in it.
  • That I am a creative writer and I will get recognized one day for it, one way or another.
  • I am a good friend.
  • The words I wrote saved them in some way and they're thankful for it.

These words are the ones I could think of at the moment. And perhaps these are the ones that continue to resonate in my mind over and over.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

【journal prompt】Who is someone you'd like to treat better?

I would say... myself. Was that selfish of me as an answer? I don't know. But this is my immediate answer as soon as I saw the prompt. It's probably because I kind of forced or programmed myself (in this case, unknowingly) to respond to other people's orders only because I'm just here at home and unemployed. Due to the sense of "utang na loob" (debt of gratitude) and the lack of other ways to contribute to them, I ended up doing chores (at least most of them) and errands for them. Yes, I'm feeling bitter about it. But at this point, I can't help feeling that way.

I'd like to experience being able to do something solely for me and not for them. No errands, no favors, doing things on my own pace, no one to call my name just to do this and that. Was it too much to ask? At the moment, I can only sigh.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 36 |

Okay. I know it's been such a long time since I posted my last SC entry here. Even though I even have such alarm on my phone reminding me about it, I still haven't been able to write most of them. But tonight, I've got to change it a bit since I don't want to leave my October kind of bare, I guess. Yes, I know. I placed book comments there. But I'd like to add a new one.

Or at least that's what I think.

In any case, here I am again. It's going to be a little short. Then again, since when did I make a long SC entry, anyway?

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Thursday, October 14, 2021

【journal prompt】What are three things you had to learn the hard way?

  1. At some point in life, relationships that you tried your best to save will eventually fall apart. Or at least, that's what I've learned about my parents' relationship before they decided to go on their separate ways. I mean, even I could see that it's beyond saving, anyway. And this aspect, I think, is what made me fear getting myself committing to a relationship.
  2. Motivation and inspiration will never go hand in hand in fulfilling my dream. What do I really need? Determination. And for some reason, this is something that I lack. I really have to find that determination if I truly intend to get out of this rut of a life that I have.
  3. It could take you a lifetime (or not at all) to find a true friend who would stick with you through thick and thin. And as sad as it sounds, I don't consider my family as my friends. There are reasons and those reasons had stopped me from truly expressing myself to them without actually hesitating if I should confide to them even my greatest fears or not.

Friday, October 8, 2021

【book comment】The Secret Of Red Gate Farm (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories # 6)

Blurb (from Goodreads):

When Bess Marvin purchased an expensive bottle of Oriental perfume, she never expected to stumble into a mystery. Now Bess, Nancy, George, and their new friend Jo are out to unravel the secrets of a mysterious conspiracy, a secretive cult, and a ring of counterfeiters in The Secret of Red Gate Farm.

Who would've thought that a perfume would lead to another adventure for Nancy and her friends? Then again, no one would actually know where and when a mystery would appear to her, right? Of course, her friends were right upon saying that mystery follows her everywhere. So for a detective, that's perhaps the case.

It's a re-read again as an addition to my Goodreads reading challenge. It's a good thing I'm done reading this now since the whole thing was quite tensed to me. Yes, I know it was written in the 30's (and yet I'm reading the 60's edition). But I've been imagining the scenes as though they happened in contemporary times. So yes, it might be a weird thing to think about. But I like it that way.

So it's counterfeiters this time, huh? I mean, people could really come up with such facade just to be able to operate like that. I like the set-up in which a simple act of helping out a new friend would lead to this. Of course, each moment unexpectedly lead to clues ― small ones, at first ― in which would later on connect to a larger and dangerous set-up for Nancy and her friends.

This one was probably more tensed than Mystery At Lilac Inn case. At least, that's what I think. I'm not sure why I was thinking of it that way. Or maybe because I could tell something really big was going on. Obviously, there was something there. Honestly, I would've appreciated it if Nancy doesn't get into too much trouble and getting captured like that. Then again, this wouldn't be a mystery story if it wasn't like that, right?

Okay, maybe I'm having some nonsense sentences here. This might not be much of a helpful comment, but I'm still putting it up here since I'm just glad I got to add another "done reading" on my Goodreads list and on my Reading Challenge.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

【journal prompt】Today, I honor my body by...

...drinking LOTS of water and eating on time. Or at least I intended it that way. But I only got to do the first one since the tension around the house due to the situation that made me forget that I have to eat on time so that my ulcers won't act up again.

I also love a good batch and that's what I did, even though the cold water could make my cough and runny nose a little worse. I did drink honey ginger water just to ease it down and also drank a medicine to do the same. I have to watch my health carefully after this. The pandemic still hasn't subsided and at times, I don't know how people are able to determine what is common colds and those having symptoms of COVID-19.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

【personal thoughts】September 2021 Wrap-Up

I really don't know what to do with this wrap-up. I know it's two days late, that's one thing. Not to mention, this is surely going to be a short one. And I'm not exactly sure on what to write. I mean, my August was quite chaotic and my September is... I guess a little tense. Seriously, why did it even thought of it that way? But hey, I'm still here, alive and breathing. And I am so glad for that. The virus is still creating even more chaotic all over the world and I'm just glad that I still have lots of things to do and think about that will divert my mind from all the happenings around me that were enough to put me in distress. You know what I mean, right?

In any case, I'm just going to list down what had happened to me over the course of another cursed month for my family (in this case, it's a cursed month for my mom).

  • We got our first dose of COVID-19 vaccination last September 28. They injected Astrazeneca vaccine on us (me, my youngest sister, my mom, and two others in the household). I'm not sure if I did feel some side effects, but I couldn't exactly tell the difference since my migraine struck again around afternoon. And in my opinion, it was a bad thing for me when my migraine and its accompanying symptoms strikes.
  • I got to read three books this month. And I'm glad since I didn't get to read any last month (August).
  • I reposted "A Love Worth An Eternity", but I'm dividing it in three volumes. The first one is titled "Love Will Bloom Here."
  • I had two of my teeth (or at least, what's left of them) extracted on the last day of the month. What I mean on the parenthesis is that the only ones left to extract were the roots since the crown of each tooth chipped away for quite some time.
  • I started a new journal at the start of September. So that's my 7th journal. Wow! I never thought I'd be able to keep it up. I also had a journal writing milestone of 400th straight days of writing on it this month, as well.

...and that's what happened to my September, people. I'm still contemplating (not sure why) if I should post my life advice that would usually pop up in my mind. But here's the thing, though. Those advice are things that, I'm not sure if I'd be able to apply it to myself, or based on observations or perhaps from what I learned from the characters I would imagine and write.

Quite weird, I know. Anyway, I'm not going to promise anything when it comes to posting here. But I'd definitely post more entries from time to time.

Friday, October 1, 2021

【book comment】The Colossus Rises (Seven Wonders # 1)

Blurb (from Goodreads):
 One Boy

Jack McKinley is an ordinary kid with an extraordinary problem. In a few months, he’s going to die.

One Mission

Jack needs to find seven magic loculi that, when combined, have the power to cure him.

One Problem

The loculi are the relics of a lost civilization and haven’t been seen in thousands of years.

Seven Wonders

Because they’re hidden in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

This is a bit late for a review/comment. Sorry for that. This is actually more of a re-read since I forgot the plot of this story and I like to write a book comment on this one. By the way, I'm writing this while waiting for my sister to finish her dental check-up/tooth extraction and also waiting for my turn.

We got one heck of an adventure here, right? Involving Atlantis and the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World... These are the topics that fascinated me for quite a long time. I guess, what most of us were. So could you say that anything related to ancient history and civilizations fascinated me in a great deal. And actually creating a historical fiction/adventure story like this, then count me in on reading that. Even for my age of 30, I still love reading this kind of stories. Maybe you could say I'm still a kid at heart.

Okay. Sorry. We're straying from the real topic here. So there's a lot of scientific terms here that at times, it's kind of hard to follow up. But yeah, their simple explanation makes up for it, somehow. And finding the Loculi, releasing the griffin from the seal (or was that called a griffin?) and I guess Jack became the chosen when he pulled out that sword. Arthurian reference here, anyone? Guess not. Okay, I'm not making any sense here, I guess.

But for thirteen years old, this sort of adventure is quite farfetched to me, regardless of the reasons. In this case, they had no choice but to deal with it if they wanted to live longer and get past the age of fourteen without actually dying because of that genetic marker that they had. Things were just starting to get harder for the rest of the Select gang (as I'd like to call it) because of what Marco did in the end. I mean, seriously, Marco? What the heck is going on with your brain right now? Did you really have to do that? But of course, I had a bit of suspicion about him in the middle of the journey. Or maybe not just there. Even though I read this a few years back already, I can recall feeling that way about Marco, for some reason.

Okay. Maybe I'm reacting quite weird with regards to what happened last. In any case, the search for more Loculi had just began and it's definitely a race against life and time on this one. I still haven't started reading the second book after this, but perhaps I'd be able to find time. I have to keep up with my reading challenge, after all. Right now, I'm just glad I got to re-read this.